Thursday, June 22, 2017

Logic just doesn't exist in the mind of an N (rant, support, advice, I don't know... help?) raisedbynarcissists

I just commented on someone else's post about this but I'm furious and need to vent to anyone who might understand.

About a week ago I noticed the refrigerator not feeling as cold as it should. I used to be a chef and was certified in food safety so I pay close attention to storage of foods properly. I started putting a thermometer in the fridge and kept noticing the temperature was rising. The normal operating temperature for safe food storage is between 38-46 degrees F, but today the temperature rose to over 60 degrees F. I told my Nmom that her fridge was not working properly and was too warm. She began arguing with me that everything "feels cold" so I showed her the thermometer. She then began using the vacuum to clean the compressor fins and said it was very dirty and should work fine now. Two hours go by and if she was right then the fridge would have cooled down, but it hadn't, the temperature went up a couple more degrees. Again she says that everything feels cold. Well of course it does when the house is around 80 degrees F, everything below that will feel cold. I then had to explain to her about the safe food storage temperatures and that everything in the fridge is very unsafe to eat anymore. This is going to be a real problem for me because again my Nmom is going to her vacation home tomorrow and will be there for a week. This is her third trip there in the past 6 weeks and she is probably not going to do anything about the fridge until she comes back.

The past three weeks I've had to deal with a kidney stone that lasted 6 days and then immediately after that had a bout of colitis that I'm barely just getting over now. During that time my Nmom went to her vacation home leaving me here by myself while very ill. Yet a couple of months ago when she had knee surgery, I was here taking care of her when ever she needed anything for well over 3 weeks until she was healed enough to start doing things on her own again. So when she is ill, I have to help her, but if I'm ill, she goes away so she doesn't have to deal with me. The fridge is just another thing in a long list of things that have gone wrong around this house that she is going to just ignore until she is ready to do anything about it, regardless of how it effects me. I do everything in my power to stay out of her way and not effect her life in any way yet she does everything in her power to make my life a living hell. I don't know how to get out of this situation and have been having more and more medical issues that are making it even more difficult to take care of myself personally and I have no one to rely on who is able to even offer any sort of support. I feel even more alone and helpless than ever and I'm not sure it will ever end.

Submitted June 23, 2017 at 04:36AM by throwthisawaywhenevr raisedbynarcissists

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