Thursday, June 22, 2017

Where I should put my mod while at work. electronic_cigarette

Where I work I park my car in a spot that has little shade, and recently the days have been in the upper 80s and 90s. I know not to leave my mod and juice in this heat but the only spot I could think to put it was in my lunch box which sits in the refrigerator all day (about 8 hours). Is this a bad idea to leave my mod there for so long?

Some more information: I work in a lumber mill so I can't carry it on me because it has a higher risk of breaking. Also the place doesn't have AC so it's just as hot inside as outside. There is no real place to leave it where it won't get sawdust in it. I have been putting it in a plastic bag wrapped in a paper towel recently

Submitted June 23, 2017 at 02:22AM by hockerman electronic_cigarette

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