Sunday, November 20, 2016

Is a refrigerator motor and compressor usable as a vacuum pump? Appliances

I'm thinking of building myself a motorized fluid extractor; something I can use to pump motor oil out of a car's engine through the dipstick tube rather than deal with the mess of draining it via the crankcase as normal.

Obviously, I would need a vacuum pump. It occurred to me that maybe a used motor and compressor from a defunct refrigerator could work.

For those who know about fridge repair, is the motor and compressor from an old fridge suitable?

I could rig up something from a junk vacuum cleaner I guess, but I want something quieter. Fridges, compared to vacuum cleaners, are nearly silent. That's why I'm asking.

Edit: Also, the fridge motor / compressor idea was just a shower-thought. I'm guessing that with so many old refrigerators being recycled, these components would be cheap, maybe even free. If I'm wrong, then I'd appreciate the suggestion for another device that could be a cheap vacuum pump that: runs on 120V AC and is quiet (and preferably, not huge).

Submitted November 20, 2016 at 02:39PM by acid-rain-maker Appliances

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