Thursday, November 24, 2016

I made this glazed lentil walnut apple Loaf for Thanksgiving vegan

I made this glazed lentil walnut apple loaf from the Oh She Glows blog for Thanksgiving. It was a tremendous amount of work, but worth it, for it turned out very tasty, with the toasted walnut, apple, and spices providing savory autumn flavors. The only thing I would change is that in the future I will try to complete it a couple of hours early so I can put it in the refrigerator to firm up. Today I was able to cool it for only a half-hour before dinner, and it was still a little soft inside. Along with vegan mashed potatoes and vegetables, it made for a nice Thanksgiving meal.

Submitted November 25, 2016 at 10:03AM by QubitBob vegan

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