Monday, November 21, 2016

39+1 Today is induction day! BabyBumps

So many mixed emotions about this part of the journey ending...

While I'll be glad that the near constant head aches will finally dissipate, I will not miss the emotional rollercoaster that DH and I have been on (we got in a huge fight last night which ended with me sobbing hysterically into my pillow and him trying to make it better with a pumpkin pie. ).

Nothing is really totally ready for baby girl to come home to. I'm banking on her not noticing that I haven't had the time or energy to steam mop the floors or deep clean the refrigerator...

My plan is to treat myself to a cheeseburger and fries for lunch from The Habit (yum!!) and then make a pan of enchiladas for DH for dinner. Hopefully there will be time for a nice nap before we check in at the hospital at 7pm PST.

Thank you for being such a lovely, supportive sub. I surely couldn't have made it this far without you all!

Submitted November 21, 2016 at 10:52PM by JeepersJulie BabyBumps

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