Monday, October 24, 2016

WTF am I doing wrong? 2nd try no growth shrooms

I ran out of ideas. I've tried PF-TEK (for Simple Minds except incubation part) two times so far, no growth. It's the simplest tek, I don't understand what's wrong. I had got my print (Z) from a reputable vendor. For BRF, I ground BR. Temp was/is fine. Water ratio was/is fine. There's enough air exchange. No contams so far. First try I waited 20 days to start over. Now on 2nd week after second try. Still waiting for growth. This time I also used more of the print to get a darker syringe.

Am I doing something wrong during print to syringe transfer?
After I finish the process I'm putting the syringe in the refrigerator to be used next day for inoculation. Though I don't think this has to do with anything.

Apart from this I'm doing everything according to tek.

Submitted October 24, 2016 at 03:20PM by pandahaze shrooms

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