Tuesday, October 4, 2016

[SV] 20 lbs down in 24 days! keto

First post, longtime lurker. Just wanted to share.

I've gone through just about every fad diet there is over the last few years and after not weighing myself for months I jumped on the scale on 9/10/16 and saw digits that I never imagined I would be up to.


I had briefly read into the ketogenic way of life a bit before but that same night I came to this sub, stayed up most of the night and took down a ton of notes. I just went for it. I signed up for a gym the next day and gave away any junk food and starches/carbs to friends. I filled my refrigerator with real food and unbelievably I hit the 20lb mark this morning.

I wouldn't say I had doubts in the beginning, but I know that laziness and motivation was my biggest hurdle.

Exercise: 4-5 days of swimming (slow-moderate freestyle, usually swimming 10x25m and taking a 2min break in between, then repeating this 3-4 more times). The most I've swam in one session was 65x25m. I have also done a few days of light weight training in the morning on some of the same days that I swim. So nothing incredibly intense but substantially more than I've done in months prior.

Food intake:

Carbs: 25-30 Calories: 2200 max Protein average: 100-120g Fat: 215-230

Favorite foods so far have been: Cobb salads or any salad really with bacon and cheese, zucchini taco boats, bacon wrapped chicken breast, cauliflower rice burrito bowls, and Primal Palate Adobo Seasoning chicken thighs. I've never been a huge red meat person but I plan to pick up some beef this week. Of course Bulletproof coffee, where has this been my whole life??

Does this seem drastic? I explained this to a friend (in school for nutrition) and she said it's not healthy at all to lose 20 lbs in the short time frame. I assume some of it's clearly water weight but I don't feel like I'm starving myself or even overdoing it at the gym. I eat when I'm hungry and I'm not really burning an insane amount of calories when I work out. I can assure you, I've clocked myself at 33 seconds swimming 25m. Not intense whatsoever.

Any feedback is appreciated. You all have been a huge motivation!

Submitted October 04, 2016 at 06:25PM by AvocadosAnonymous http://ift.tt/2dtE11f keto

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