Sunday, October 2, 2016

Norman Watches Football lifeofnorman

Norman enjoys sports in the detached way a lot of fans of mediocre teams enjoy sports. Early in the season Norman makes a point to watch as many games as possible but eventually, when his team inevitably falls behind the pack, he opts to reading about the results in the paper the next morning. But this Sunday, his football team has a promising chance at beating an equal or worse football team. So Norman gets a medium pizza and a liter of diet Coke delivered and settles into his armchair to watch the TV.

The first half of the game is very promising, and Normans team is actually winning. Norman makes excited noises at the appropriate times, and groans aloud when his team makes an avoidable mistake. He generally agrees with the commentators on their analysis of the game during halftime. But in the second half his team keeps making avoidable mistakes, and even some unavoidable mistakes. His team is so far behind in the 4th quarter that he turns off the game.

"ah hell" he said, and went to put the rest of the pizza in the refrigerator for lunch the next day. "Next year, then."

Submitted October 02, 2016 at 09:08PM by incognitoast lifeofnorman

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