Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Philippines dwarf ("dwende") Paranormal

Living in the Philippines, I have gotten closer to paranormal phenomena than I ever would have imagined... I lived in a house that was shared with a traditional creature called a "dwende" (dwarf).

Many people claimed they saw doors opening and closing by themselves, but I chalked it all up to imagination and/or gusts of wind until it happened to me... I went into the bathroom to change shorts, and immediately felt someone trying to push open the door from the outside. I thought it was someone in the house; I shouted "Hey, someone's in here" and pushed back against the door... for two seconds I felt someone strong pushing back against me, then suddenly no pressure at all. Immediately I opened the door, and no one was there... in fact, no one was home at all.

On another occasion, I was sitting alone in the living room... late at night, after 1:00 am. I happened to be looking at the refrigerator. Without warning -- no funny feelings or anything on my part -- I sat there and watched as a shot glass levitated itself off the surface of the refrigerator... there were eight shot glasses lined up in two rows of four; one glass in the back rank just raised itself up in the air almost two inches, hung there in the air for a second (as if to make sure I was watching), then flung itself over the back of the fridge to shatter on the wall and leave broken-glass scraps all over the floor.

I was just frozen -- I sat there and watched, out of nowhere, that glass suddenly just lift itself into the air, hang there briefly, then smash itself into the wall.

Again, my girlfriend said "That was the dwende... he's just telling you that this is his place." She didn't see anything unusual at all about a glass lifting itself into the air: that's just what the dwarf does.

Submitted September 08, 2016 at 12:35AM by dumpendebat Paranormal

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