Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My brother got some bad advice on steeping and it is infuriating DIY_eJuice

So I recently got into DIY juice and made some Unicorn Milk with some modifications, and after two weeks, it was incredible compared to store bought.

So I was bored last weekend and decided to make some for my brother and myself, and a guy at the vape shop told him to steep it in the refrigerator.

I have tried to find any relevant information on backing up having cold steeped juice, but I can't find a single bit of reliable information, most of it claiming what I had originally thought, where it is going to take forever to steep.

Since the fat guy that told him to do it works for a vape shop, he's taking his word over mine but he's pissing me off defending this advice.

Is there anything I can show him to get him to get the juice I made out of the refrigerator and just in a cabinet drawer? It's getting under my skin a bit.

Submitted September 29, 2016 at 12:08AM by SGTSHOOTnMISS DIY_eJuice

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