Wednesday, September 7, 2016

OCT2014 Serial code Shiny Gengar (modest). LF offers. pokemontrades


Behold, an event Shiny Gengar from a Gamestop/EB Games serial code distribution. Personally I got it from an EB Games in Ottawa. Unfortunately I threw away the card a while ago. Not the WC, though. It's rocking a Modest nature but unfortunately no perfect IVs.

OT: OCT2014

ID: 10134

In a Dusk Ball. No held item - get your own Gengarite. It's in the refrigerator Battle Resort.

Screenshots of the Wonder Card and the Pokémon itself:

I'm interested in any and all offers but I would absolutely love a shiny Honedge-line Pokémon. Preferably with good IVs.

I downloaded it on my copy of X and sent it to AS after beating the game. That said, please only contact me through my copy of AS. My name is Ryan on the 3DS friends list. I am always online on weekdays from 3:35 PM EST to 5:30 PM EST and from 8:30 to 10. You can try to contact me at any time on any day though, but no guarantees I can be ready to trade.

Thanks. Have a nice day!

Submitted September 08, 2016 at 02:20AM by ELOGURL pokemontrades

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