Monday, June 1, 2015

TRP is Helping me Grow TheRedPill

Hello fellow TRPers. I have been lurking for well over two years and have been making active changes to my life in line with the wonderful principles taught in this sub. All of these changes, such as lifting, furthering my career and education, learning new skills and plate-spinning, are taking place with the main goal of bettering my life. Any other benefits which come are a direct result of my improvement and occur on my schedule alone. I feel so good with this knowledge and am compelled to give back something to the community so I will regale you with a tale which espouses some of the teachings of TRP.

I recently moved in with my married friends. I was well aware of all the caveats attached to such an endeavor but I was very tired of living at home and despite my low salary was willing to pay for my independence. To anyone still living at home, I would like to say that moving out is an intimidating but infinitely rewarding decision. Since moving I have been better with my money, have been eating healthier as a result, have acquired two very fun plates and have secured a healthy raise with my new-found confidence. When living at home I would always think to myself, “Why should I even bother getting involved with women? Where will it lead? I will eventually invite her back to ‘my place’ with the high potential for embarrassment”. Now that I have my own space I am more brazen and much more confident during interactions with women. I attribute this to an increase in my aggressive nature and my pre-existing low tolerance for bullshit.

For context, allow me to paint an objective picture of myself. I was a very quiet guy in both middle and high school. I kept my head low and did not want to upset anyone. I had a group of friends, among them my current roommates, but never spent much time socializing. I would finish my school work, go to extracurriculars like track or Russian language class, and head home to a solo video game marathon. My parents were divorced when I was about ten years old so I spent the formative years of my youth with little guidance from my father. I don’t need to tell you how damaging that is for growing children. Luckily, my father still wanted a presence in my life but living with my mother diluted his influence. During college, I fostered my relationship with my father by living with him and commuting to classes. My confidence grew but I was in a sort of naïve monk mode. I spent all of my time studying and commuting. I didn’t have many intimate relationships during that time and treated everyone as a friend, including females. This was no doubt the result of being raised to be a beta provider by my mother. After graduation I obtained a shitty low-paying job and my father decided to begin charging me rent. Looking back, I know he was only trying to teach me more valuable life skills. At the time, I could not fathom paying such a large percentage of my paltry income for something I had taken for granted my whole life. Thus, I moved back in with my mother to obtain free rent. It has cost far more than I imagined. Eventually I grew tired of the aged female presence. Irrational behavior, illogical decision making, a constantly overcrowded refrigerator and the desire for stress-free intimate female company finally drove me out.

So here I am, living with my now married high school friends for less than a month, and my decision to never get married has been solidified. I have known these two since high school and, while I usually get along with them just fine, there are times when I just cannot stand them. Being married adds a whole new dynamic to the relationship and alters your personality for the worse.

They are so boring. My god, I cannot express my frustration with their sedentary lifestyles. It is as if they have already peaked in life and are in relaxation and recreation mode. However, they are just shy of 30 years old. I come home to the husband playing video games and the wife watching Grey’s Anatomy because she needs to catch up since something crazy happens at the end of the season. When I wrote this they were sitting inside on a beautiful Friday afternoon watching Game of Thrones. This transitioned into Fail Army videos and then YouTube video game commentaries. Blegh. I gave up mindless bullshit media consumption years ago when I started college because I realized how much of a time sink it is. If I am going to sit my ass on a couch for an hour and watch twenty minutes of advertisements you should be the one paying me. That time is better spent reading or working out. Their exercise routine consists of walking around the neighborhood a few times a week or whenever they feel like it. They are doing the bare minimum to feel good and it makes me sick. Where is the ambition? Don’t you realize your time on this earth is finite? Hurry up and get shit done because you’ll be dead before you know it!

His wife is always frustrated or complaining about something. Not a day goes by where she isn’t moping, raging or just zoned out. She gets in a mood where she just whispers when asking a question. The husband has been conditioned to hear and understand her but I will just tell her to speak up. I know how TRP feels about red pill introductions, but I have subtly been giving him advice on how to better their relationship. He even agrees with me but I have yet to see him put anything into practice. A few days ago his wife came downstairs to ask his opinion about a quilt design. She sews as a hobby and is always mismanaging her time by squandering it on social media so she is always in a rush to complete a project for someone. She asks his opinion and he replies, “Sure”. The other night we were tinkering in the garage and I told him that many of his relationship issues could be solved by adopting a more assertive nature. I said that women want to follow a leader and do not want to make decisions or think about anything. Tell her yes or no, damn it. If you say sure it means you are unsure. This is slowly eroding any respect she has left for him. The majority of it was lost right after the wedding ceremony.

You know what I really love about life? I love having options. I love having no emotional obligations to anyone. I love being able to walk away from anyone who gives me shit. So many people I know do not possess such freedom. They are enslaved by work or a spouse or toxic family members. In order to flourish it is crucial that you acquire the capability to remove negative people from your life. It is also important to call people out on their bullshit. I have found this to be most rewarding. People have come in to a new-found respect for me because of this and respect my time more than ever before.

Now, it may seem that I am still bitter, but it just frustrates me to see people waste their potential. I believe that I have accepted the nature of human beings which is why I have been so successful lately. I started my own business, am I the midst of applying to graduate school and have had some great success with projects at work. I strive to achieve more and more because I have come to realize that no one owes you anything in life and it is up to you to sort it all out. TRP is the vanguard of self-improvement and men’s rights. I am grateful for everyone here and for the environment which has fostered my personal growth. I know there is nothing novel here but I hope it is instructive for someone. I would like to summarize with a short list.

  • As a man, marriage will stifle your growth.
  • Strive for independence from everyone.
  • Always prioritize your interests.
  • Be assertive. Be dominant. Own your life.

Submitted June 02, 2015 at 07:28AM by TheDailyYeti TheRedPill

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