Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tin foil theory regarding trolls and God Tier. Hate if you must, but I figured out a way it could (possibly) work. homestuck

I've recently been reading some BKEW theories, and the one I like the most is the Mituna Method. Hussie never explained the sacrifice, so it seems like a Chekhov's gun. We've also seen Terezi use her Seer powers a lot, plus the whole "blue scare" as I like to call it (the mass outbreak of "OMG THE BLUE CHALK MEANS THAT JOHN IS GOIng TO RETcON TEREEZI! TO gE TE THE gitER!!!!" theories), and such have all been subtle hints to God tiers.

But this post isn't about the Mituna Method, this post is about outdated shit I just noticed, dammit.

Aradia and Vriska. The two trolls to ascend. Well, the two trolls that ascended in the canon timeline, for now. Vriska was a Hero of Light. Aradia was a Hero of Time.

Now, let's look at the two other trolls that have died and been brought back to life, in the canon timeline. Tavros and Kanaya. Kanaya is a Hero of Space. Tavros is a Hero of Breath.

Heroes of Time, Light, Breath, and Space. Sound familiar?


Now, let's get to the coincidence.

Human heroes of Light and Time, Rose and Dave, ascended on Derse. The Derse crypt, that is. They were the only two to do so at the time.

That's it. That's the coincidence. Aradia and Vriska + Rose and Dave were "outliers" from their session's ascend-ees.

Here comes the fun part. Obligatory . If you don't like crazy theories that I pulled out of my ass like a knife swallower who actually swallows, I advise you to leave.

This theory depends on some evidence that the Mituna Method also relies on. Not much of it, though. Only the availability of "can two people of the same aspect use the same sacrificial slab". It also relies on some things we're not sure of yet. That being, can sprites go to quest beds and ascend? If not, then sorry Tavros. You'll have to sit out on this crack theory.

Let's see. Kanaya is already alive. So there's no real reason to God tier her. Besides, the Prospit quest crypt was destroyed, Sideshow! Tavros wouldn't have been relevant at all, you fucking cunt! But wait right there, you upturned beetle. Kanaya and Karkat are going to Echidna. Some have theorized that this = God tier.

Wow, amazing! Combine this theory with the Terezi blue chalk scare, and the "Gamzee is already God tier" theory, and that means 5/6 Prospit trolls are ascended.

Sorry, Tavros. Also, Sollux, but do we really want to get into that SHITSTORM!?!?!?!? Besides, are already running around like a drunk bear being ridden by a jackrabbit.

So, that's great! Sideshow just figured something out that PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY THEORIZED. Dammit, Sideshow, you fucking plagiarizing asshat. Stop stealing muh theories.

Well, okay. Here comes the last part, completely thought up by my own self.

Remember Murderstuck? How could I have forgotten, Sideshow? All of the fan favorites were killed off!!!!

But, why is that? In a recent Hussie interview, we remember the fantastic quote of something or other and dead Marios. And then the Dream Bubbles being a place where people struggle to be relevant. People who are going to hate on this theory and call it improbable are probably saying, "Sideshow, you dumbass. He did it because he wanted people to stop focusing on Nepeta and focus on more developed trolls, like Vriska, Terezi, and Karkat."

Well, that might be true. But in the land of TIN FOIL, there is no truth! Only- Wait, I fucked up. Dammit. Oh well.

What I'm trying to say is, let's remember Murderstuck. The trolls killed off were Heroes of Life, Heart, Space, Doom, Time, Light, Void, and Hope. Sure, there's the dead Karkat and Terezi from the Vriska offshoot, but meh. Let's not focus on those dead Mario corpses. I mean, in Mario, the corpses disappear. In Homestuck, the corpses pile up. Eventually, there are so many corpses that the jump you kept failing on, has been filled in with corpses. (That would be a really good idea for a game, now that I think about it.)

So. Feferi, Kanaya, Nepeta, Sollux, Aradia, Vriska, Equius, and Eridan. I might have forgotten some, but who cares?

Now, let's get rid of those still alive or were revived. In the Retjohn timeline.

Sollux (I don't care, he's too shenanigan-y to be counted), Equius, Vriska, Kanaya, and Aradia. That leaves us with Feferi, Eridan, and Nepeta.

Heroes of Life, Hope, and Heart. Sound familiar?

The Alpha Kids.

Their Quest Crypts might still be functional. We don't know if they were destroyed, or if they can be used multiple times over. They haven't been prototyped yet. Vriska has prevented them from being sprited- sprites are alive. If the troll corpses had been sprited, they couldn't revive. Out of the Alpha-aspect-sharing trolls, only Equius was prototyped, and that's because he was needed to become Lord English. After all, we've seen with Bec Noir- Vriska will do anything to secure fortune, like all Light players.

So, Sideshow. I think I understand what you're saying! Feferi, Eridan, and Nepeta can revive! But what if the Quest Crypts don't work, or were destroyed?!?!?! My precious Nepeta will still be dead uwu

The kids have planets, too. And what are Quest Beds, but over glorified Sacrificial Slabs with a change in real estate value. But Sideshow, you baboon! The trolls can only use Quest Cocoons!

I repeat. Over glorified Sacrificial Slabs. Aradia has shown trolls can revive on Sacrificial Slabs. The trolls can maybe ascend on them, but it all depends.

But, Sideshow! It's too late in-comic for the trolls to be revived! If anything, they'll be revived post-endgame, in the epilogue!

Well, yes. It is. But remember- Dream Bubbles are where characters struggle to maintain relevance. Eridan, Feferi, and Nepeta have a chance to become relevant, with all these battles approaching.

Eridan wanted to join Bec Noir. Out of all three, he's the one who's least relevant as of now. Still, Bec Noir. He has a chance to redeem himself by being the one to kill Bec Noir, besides, he might get praise from some of the ladies- I imagine he's still interested in Jade, no?

Next, Feferi. Feferooni, Feferini, anything that can make her sound like an off-brand of pasta. She is the Condesce's heir, and along with Jane, are "destined" to defeat her. Both being Heroes of Life that specialize in restoration of others, they would be able to revive each other, which would be helpful in a duel against the Condesce, the THIEF of Life.

Nepeta. Remember all those theories of her being relevant when it was revealed BKEW's Arquius-Doc Scratch theory was confirmed? Well, I'm seeing this as another chance for Hussie to give a big middle finger to Nepeta fans. While she still could take the kids out of the Sburb Juju, I imagine Hussie will have her try and stop Equius, before being absolutely rekt.

So. There we have it.

Well, Sideshow!?!?!? How will they get to the planets???!?!?!

Remember how Vriska said Tavros had something special, or something like that? Well, he has Breath powers. And like all Pages, soon he will have his time to shine. Like Jake's hope aura, a breath aura has been something I've been dreaming of seeing for a long time. Now, combine that with Gamzee. Gamzee wanted to make up for killing his friends by bringing them back to life- and to him, the first stop was the kernels.

Only one kernel is left unfilled. If it's filled, Gamzee will turn his sights to God tier revival- I remember an old crackpot theory of "gamzee is stealing the corpses, going back in time with aradia's timeturners, and reviving his friends!"

Well, this is a version of that. Instead, Tavros can blow the refrigerator around with his Breathosphere, and Gamzee can revive the trolls.

But, Sideshow!?!?! Vriska said that Gamzee should stay in there!!?!?!?!

Oh, come on. You can't seriously believe Gamzee's going to actually stay in there, can you?

Submitted June 03, 2015 at 09:57PM by SideshowMask homestuck

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