Friday, June 5, 2015

Renting advice in California; home owner got a weird on me via email. legaladvice

I've been renting a townhouse for over 2 years. I'll try to keep this as short and pertinent as possible.

Last month I sent them an email about a few things, one being the water filter in the fridge needing replacing, as I've done several times in the last 2 years. This is what I got back:

"Actually you may get the water filter online at Amazon or eBay, I gave you all my left overs when I move out but now I don't have any more."

To which I responded, "I’ll place the water filters on my next amazon order; looks like the 2 pack is more economical, so I’ll probably do that."

I sometimes buy other maintenance items and deduct the cost from the next month's rent check.

No big deal, right?

I get this via email once they receive the check and invoice:

"It is not my responsibility to pay for the water filter."

And then 10 minutes later:

"You need to pay for water filters out of your pocket. It is not owner's responsibility to get water filter refills for refrigerator.

Please resend a check with full rent $xxxx for June."

Ok, a little high-strung this evening, fine. The curious part is, the amount they are asking for is $50 more than my month-to-month rental price is.

Do I call the bank, cancel the original check and resend the amount the rental agreement is for, cancel the check and send the requested amount and send the rental agreement price for the following month (perhaps the $50 is a late fee?), or hold off on doing anything until I get more clarification?

My relationship with the homeowner has been completely friendly up until now and I really don’t want my rent to go up, especially over something so trivial. Also, may be prudent to mention English is not their first language.

Submitted June 06, 2015 at 10:51AM by sniffthesharpie legaladvice

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