Sunday, May 24, 2015

Summary Report for Sunday, May 24, 2015 subredditreports

This report lists the top posts for each of the subs scheduled to run on Sunday.
Report period: Saturday, May 16, 2015 through Friday, May 22, 2015.


/r/adultswim [full report]


/r/android [full report]


/r/askmen [full report]


/r/atheism [full report]


/r/bacon [full report]


/r/changemyview [full report]


/r/DIY [full report]


/r/foreveralonebots [full report]


/r/freebies [full report]


/r/gadgets [full report]


/r/gainit [full report]


/r/globalpowers [full report]


/r/india [full report]


/r/jerktalkdiamond [full report]


/r/ladyboners [full report]


/r/listentothis [full report]


/r/mildlyinteresting [full report]


/r/movies [full report]


/r/outoftheloop [full report]


/r/passtheparagraph [full report]


/r/personalfinance [full report]


/r/RetailPorn [full report]


/r/stocks [full report]


/r/theydidthemath [full report]


/r/unexpectedthuglife [full report]


/r/videos [full report]


/r/wanttobelieve [full report]


/r/woahdude [full report]


/r/WritingPrompts [full report]


/r/YouDontSurf [full report]


Submitted May 25, 2015 at 03:53AM by subredditreports subredditreports

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