Thursday, May 28, 2015

/r/lightbulb report: Thursday, May 21, 2015 - Wednesday, May 27, 2015 subredditreports

Totals: 7 days, 44 posts, 308 comments.
Included in this report: The top 44 posts, and 299 of the top comments, by 202 distinct authors.
No comments or posts were gilded :(

See the comments for detailed reports and charts.

Most Popular Posts

Score Author Post Title
75 /u/f5kkrs A new FDA that is crowdscourced (like Wikipedia) and protected from big corps and lobbyists.
66 /u/FlexEducation A shortcut command that automatically opens the tab that is playing audio.
56 /u/lordoftherings911 Charities and Kickstarters where you can track what exactly is being done with your money.
55 /u/delux220 Reddit in real life using QR code stickers
48 /u/komocode A microwave that closes automatically like a refrigerator
44 /u/MadTux How to get a higher voting turnout: Give prizes to 1000 random voters.
44 /u/VectorLightning Next April fools day, Pixar should do a photorealistic short and make it look like a news article.
38 /u/giedow1995 A pocket behind your fly zipper to avoid pick pockets
38 /u/davidcarpenter122333 What if citizens on tax day could decide how much of their money goes where?
36 /u/trainiac12 Sell movies on flash drives instead of DVDs
31 /u/Am-I-The-Only-1 A sub for us to help explain what we think a song is about
22 /u/soalone34 A tv sitcom set in the 1700's-1800's that shows casual racism and violence without making a big moral deal about it
21 /u/Draav A holiday where people gave personal compliments.
20 /u/Sonichan Music/sound effect/dialogue sliders for movies just like in video games.
19 /u/MetroSpy Discount Strippers!
19 /u/komocode Goldeneye 007 game with only a slight update
19 /u/-TheHound Release an Elder Scrolls novel titled "M'aiq Tells All" based on his adventures. Release in paperback and digital for $3.50 (tree fiddy)
18 /u/funkmasterjambo666 Silent movies should come with different soundtrack options
18 /u/rammyp A social media platform on which a user would create a gift wish list and from which other users who are connected with him/her would see exactly what type of gift he/she would like.
14 /u/HeyZeusCrisco A bumper sticker that says "Put an end to bumper sticker activism NOW!"
14 /u/Ancel3 Dungeons and Dragons - Pokemon edition
14 /u/Interlang Bladeless fan that pushes air back and forth.
14 /u/MrDurden32 A camera phone camera that swivels up 45 degrees so you can take photos/videos discreetly
10 /u/adam1abr An innovative baby cot that allows you to optimize sleeping habits.
10 /u/unampho When you leave your computer and plug your headphones into your mp3 player, it keeps going where your computer left off.
9 /u/Roxxorursoxxors Weedeater sprinkler
9 /u/lordoftherings911 Democracy app: Hold an online poll to let the country decide whether a law should be passed or not.
8 /u/darknyan Discrediting Foreign Fighters Traveling to the Islamic State
8 /u/bachiavelli TV remote with a pager function.
7 /u/Specston A cinema/movie theatre that has a feedback system button at every seat that when pushed, alarms the staff of some idiot using his phone or talking to his friend
6 /u/Chase_Walker a gyroscopic auto-rotate app
6 /u/wallflyers Digital game rentals for $1/hour
6 /u/Khiv_ Could the internet revolution open a way for the return of direct democracy?
6 /u/waydeep t sure is nice when your idea works.. I am proud to present the first "Little motor" on my air powered bike.
5 /u/barelypixelated
4 /u/Chase_Walker a ctrl+f function for phones
4 /u/Sibrogal Essential Mineral Salt Shaker
2 /u/komocode Charge $0.44 to anyone that sends you email. Refund upon read receipt. No refund if sent to spam.
0 /u/VectorLightning Bumper sticker: "If you can read this, slow down. And watch for tailgators."
0 /u/jmt0806 Delete any post that gets more than 2000 upvotes on /r/crazyideas, since it must be a good idea

Submitted May 29, 2015 at 09:35AM by subredditreports subredditreports

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