Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The first 'law' typically cited to write off 'over-unity' devices reads that "the total energy of an __isolated system__ is constant". Only thing is - there is no such thing as an isolated system. Everything is part of a single wavefunction/vacuum that encompasses the entire Universe holofractal

From Resonance Science:

It is important to remember, as we discussed previously, that just as water will continue to cycle through the Universe and feed the hydroelectric dam (through evaporation, transpiration, and rain), there are inherent mechanisms in the quantum vacuum that allow the circulation of energy throughout the Universe. Due to these properties of nature, there are no closed systems, and so there is always an abundance of local energy to allow over-unity for any specific object in the Universe, if that energy can be accessed or applied. As nature maintains the indefinite spin of galaxies, solar systems, planets, atmospheres, particles, etc. (spin at all scales, a fractal architecture built up from the spinning ‘eddies’ of the Planck vacuum structure of spacetime) it is displaying this inherent capacity as one of the fundamental properties of spacetime. Since this property also results in the fundamental forces, such as gravitation (another example of over-unity in nature — gravity causes constant acceleration), working with the spacetime structure itself will allow for the ability to influence the gravitational force and in turn produce energy.

Zero-point energy utilization and gravitational modulation, by our estimation, will define the demarcation point of transition into a new era of human civilization, enabling complete energy independence for every individual, and the ability to travel virtually anywhere on our planet, in our solar system, or across the Galaxy. One way to envision this is through the Kardashev Scale, a societal classification scheme made famous by Carl Sagan, in which a civilization’s technological advancement level is determined by its energy production or utilization capabilities . At this time we are classified as a Type 0 civilization — we don’t rank on the energy utilization scale because we rely primarily on the utilization of energy stored in the chemical bonds of hydrocarbon fuels, which is only slightly more technologically sophisticated than burning wood (many hydrocarbon sources, such as coal, are considered ‘fossilized’ plant matter). Of course burniing fossil fuels is a very inefficient means of procuring energy as it is essentially the conversion of a fraction of the energy from sunlight that has been stored in photosynthetic organisms and accumulated over many hundreds of millions of years. This is not only a limited and non-renewable energy resource, it is also a highly polluting means of energy production as there is considerable ecological destruction that occurs from the extraction of fuels from subterranean reserves and the production of millions of tons of unwanted byproducts.

Since the vacuum energy is everywhere, it does not need to be transported. This means no more large storage reservoirs, transcontinental oil-tankers, and electrical power lines. Devices to extract ZPE can be installed or transported to where energy is needed. We have lived in a privileged era of continuous energy supply, with only the occasional disruption, such as in blackouts. However, as the blackouts demonstrate, large centralized production and dependence on the energy grid carries risks of failure from malfunctions in the grid As can be seen, by tapping even an infinitesimal fraction of the amount of energy that is potentially present within the quantum vacuum, our civilization’s energy requirements will be completely satisfied. This would certainly be a graduation to a Type I civilization or more.

Understanding the interrelationship between energy availability and our personal day-to-day lives and societal structure is highly pertinent to grasping the full implications of the revolutionary nature of ZPE utilization. When people no longer have to nearly constantly worry about keeping the car running, the lights on in the house, and food in the refrigerator — all of which are directly enabled by our ability to extract and use energy — there will be a dramatic liberation to pursue higher endeavors without fear of lack and deprivation. As well, there will be a fundamental change in national and international political power structures, as the socioeconomic controlling factor of energy scarcity and fighting for natural resources becomes obsolete.

Since the vacuum energy is everywhere, it does not need to be transported. This means no more large storage reservoirs, transcontinental oil-tankers, and electrical power lines. Devices to extract ZPE can be installed or transported to where energy is needed. We have lived in a privileged era of continuous energy supply, with only the occasional disruption, such as in blackouts. However, as the blackouts demonstrate, large centralized production and dependence on the energy grid carries risks of failure from malfunctions in the grid system, extreme weather conditions, and over-demand. In fact, our current state of affair has us and our electrical grid network extremely vulnerable to solar activity or any large electromagnetic pulse coming from an external source . As our society comes to increasingly rely on the continuous supply of energy, having a means of localized energy production that is not reliant on long-range transportation is extremely necessary With zero-point energy technologies we can insure a steady and continuous supply of energy where it is needed. Polluting nuclear and coal burning plants will no longer be necessary. Vehicles can be equipped with ZPE overunity devices and will no longer need to rely on oil or energy from the electrical grid. We will be completely liberated from oil-dependency. This includes elimination of the production for oil required to make all the asphalt and tires for transportation (not to mention the tar used to coat railroad tracks and power line poles) because of levitation technologies that emerge as a natural result of engineering the spacetime metric. As we’ll see, with these technologies, driving along the ground is no longer necessary.

Submitted January 11, 2018 at 05:35AM by d8_thc holofractal

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