Friday, January 5, 2018

Proper Connection for joining two ice maker supply lines Plumbing

I'm having some freezing issues with my ice maker supply line. Short of it is I need to connect two water supply lines both would have 1/4" brass compression fittings. What should I be looking for? A 3/4 inch brass coupling with threads on both sides to attach to the compressing fitting of the supply line? Something else?

Long of it is:

When the prior home owner re did the kitchen they didn't insulate well. The current line splits off my cold water under my sink, runs down into a soffit and then through my basement ceiling and then back up through the kitchen floor where it couples to the fridge. I've measure the temp at the sink and its in the high 50s with the cabinet open (rest of house set to 68) and at the back of the soffit about ~15 (outdoor temps ~9).

Its only frozen once or twice a winter for the past two but its getting slammed now and I'm tired of hoping it doesn't burst. It would be incredibly difficult to properly insulate the area, I could try to blow insulation in but I've done that and its messy and I'm not so sure it wouldn't actually make the situation worse as it would further insulate the back of the space from the rest of the heated house. solution is to run a flexible stainless braided type water supply line in the cabinets to the refrigerators. Basically just disconnect the current copper one and connect a stainless at the same spot then go through the cabinets. The issue is, I think its about 12.5ft. HD sells a supply line that's 10ft long so I'm going to have to purchase two and connect together.

Submitted January 05, 2018 at 10:15PM by quaddeer Plumbing

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