Tuesday, January 2, 2018

[OC] Oh, you want to know about my weekend? copypasta

Oh, you want to know about my weekend? Well it was great. I'd been planning it for weeks. But I wasn't sure who I would carry out my plans with. It had to be just right. Everything had to be just right. It was Saturday evening as I walked across the sidewalk, looking for someone who would fit my qualifications. As I continued, I saw one woman who was nearly perfect. I began to follow a short distance behind when my eye caught sight of someone else. They were even better. I immediately turned around and pursued this other woman, making sure to avoid drawing attention to myself. She paused at a bus stop but I continued past. It would have been too obvious if I had stopped there too. I walked into the convenience store a few feet past it and thought to myself when the right time would be to go back. After looking over the snacks for a few minutes, I settled on a bag of chips and a Fanta.

Outside, I downed the snacks and threw away the trash. Then I rushed towards the bus stop as I saw the bus heading up the street. The woman didn't pay any attention to me as I walked in behind her, grabbing some change from my pocket and inserting it into the pay machine. She sat down in the middle of the bus and I went to the back, watching her as the bus began moving.

After three or so stops, the woman got off. I stood up as she was exiting the bus and walked out behind her. I observed my prey from a distance, giving her a head start to make myself seem less suspicious. I couldn't let my plan fall apart when I'd already gotten to this point. Once I decided I was far enough away, I walked hurriedly in her direction. It was dark when she got to her house. I was far up the sidewalk, watching from a distance. She fumbled with her purse when all of a sudden she stopped what she was doing. The woman looked around, possibly startled by something. I immediately tensed up. There was no way should could see me from over there, right? She was illuminated by her porch light but I was hidden by the darkness. When she finally relaxed, I knew I had to make my move, There was nobody else around. It was the perfect opportunity. I started moving up the street, quicker and quicker. She found the key in her purse as I began to break into a sprint. Every second counted at this moment. All of a sudden she turned around, alerted by the sound of my sneakers hitting the pavement. A strange man was running towards her at night. She scrambled to unlock the door as fast as possible to get away. She wasn't fast enough. I caught her and threw her against the ground hard. Her head smacked against the sidewalk, knocking her unconscious.

It was at this point that I ran into a problem. Her body was unexpectedly heavy. I hadn't considered this part. I didn't stop to plot out the details. My plan was sloppy and careless. It was just dumb luck that had even gotten me this far. I stopped to consider the situation. There was no way I would be able to drag this body all the way back to my house. I realized, however, that there was a house right here and a set of keys left by the unconscious owner. I unlocked the door and slowly dragged the woman inside. As I locked the door behind me, I started shaking with excitement. I hadn't expected to get this far. I observed this woman's vulnerable body, splayed across her floor, and felt a half-chub forming. I bent down and propped her up against the wall. As I lifted up her shirt, a voice in my head told me I needed to wait just a little longer. Everything had to be in place first.

I searched around her house, getting a basic understanding of the place. I also wanted to be certain we were home alone. Afterwards, I made sure she had what I needed. Grabbing a few zipties from a tool bag in her garage, I went back to her body and restrained her hands behind her back. Then her feet. I tossed the rest of the zipties behind my shoulder carelessly. Now it was time to play the waiting game.

Finally, she woke up. I relished in that split second when she had just regained consciousness but hadn't absorbed the knowledge of what was happening. Then the little dance began. The little movements. She looks forward. She sees me. Her body tries to move backwards, to get away from the danger. She immediately realizes she can't move. And in that single second, she realizes and screams. True horror at the circumstances that were unfolding. This was the sort of nightmare scenario that happened to other people; you read this sort of thing in the newspaper and think "wow, I can't imagine that sort of thing ever happening to me". It just seems too far fetched. Yet here we both were. She was my helpless prisoner. And I was her captor. And she screamed. So I moved forward and clamped my sweaty palm over her mouth. "Shut up, bitch," I ordered. The shock was enough to silence her. I was going to enjoy the events to follow.

"What do you want," she whimpered, her voice breaking. That raw terror. That was what I wanted.

"I want you to break."

I was incredibly nervous myself, but I fought to keep myself composed. I had to assert dominance. The mood couldn't be spoiled. I wiped the sweat from my hands against my pants and went to work. I took some scissors and cut off her shirt. In retrospect, it would've made more sense to take off her clothes before tying her up, but I had been careless again. It really didn't matter now, anyway. I could take my time. I carefully cut off the rest of her clothes, first the pants, then her bra. I moved to the panties, but hesitated. I moistened my dry lips with my tongue. The woman was cowering and seemed to be mumbling under her breath, praying maybe. Her eyes were shut tight. I imagined how scared she must be and it turned me on. Then, with a snip, I stripped her of her last bit of protection. Now it was just her beautiful, naked body. So smooth, so pale. I stared at her, longingly, imagining all the blood running through her body. It was hypnotic. At last, I snapped out of my trance and moved onto the next part of my plan. I went to her kitchen and opened the refrigerator. A carton of eggs. I took the carton out and brought them to her. I could hardly hold still at this point. The excitement was nearly too much for me to keep contained. Nevertheless, I grabbed several eggs and laid them down next to her face on the ground. She stared at the eggs. I stared at her.

"What are you-" she began.

I interrupted her. "You're going to eat these."

I picked one up and forced it past her lips. I smiled a little as the shell cracked in her mouth. She slowly chewed. I was holding back a wide grin at this point. Her face began to contort in disgust. A little bit of yolk dripped out and began to dribble down her cheek. She gagged as she forced herself to swallow it. I was surprised that she had been so cooperative, but then I remembered I still had those scissors. She knew what I would do if she didn't listen. I picked up another egg and pushed it into her mouth. Her eyes watered and she began to cry a bit. When would this torture end, she was probably thinking. Maybe a small part of her was enjoying this. If so, she certainly hid it well. I gave her two more eggs before I stopped. This seemed like enough. I would have to wait until the eggs traveled further through her body before I could go on with the plan. For now, I would have a little fun.

I sat cross legged in the floor and admired her body. My eyes scanned her feet, then her smooth legs, then her nether regions. Lastly, I moved up to her breasts. They rose and fell as she took each shallow breath. It was hard to believe I had lucked out with such a fine specimen. I stared at her beautiful face, begging to be ruined. She flinched as I moved my thumb forward to wipe some excess yolk from the corner of her lips. It looked like there was even a little bit of blood mixed in. Those eggshells must have been sharp.

I thought about my next move. I glanced at the scissors in my hands. These wouldn't work. I needed something more fit for the job. I entered the kitchen once more, looking for something more fit for the job. I perused her knives, looking for something that didn't have a serrated edge. I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible when I spilled her blood. After some searching, I settled on a nice steak knife. I walked back out and saw that she had noticed the tool in my hand. Her eyes widened and she began to squirm a bit. I pressed the cold blade against her warm flesh and she immediately stopped moving.

"Please... Don't..."

I loved her begging. She had such a cute voice. Her pleas were in vain, however. I pushed the tip of the blade hard against her thighs until I felt it break skin. She sucked in the air between her teeth sharply. A bead of blood formed and began to drop down her leg. Such a small amount was a little disappointing, but I didn't want to damage her flawless skin anymore. It would've been a crime to blemish her flawless, smooth skin further. It was already peppered with bruises from the fall outside her house, anyway.

I rubbed my hand over her leg, feeling just how wonderful it truly was. I let my hand brush past the wound and smear red across her leg, a lovely contrast to her white skin. She shuddered at my disgusting hands touching her clean body. There was one more thing I wanted to do before I enacted the final part of my plan. I slowly cupped my hands over her breasts. I wanted to feel them. They were mesmerizing.

This seemed to be the breaking point for her. Her eyes were shut so tight at this point, but I could still see tear drops forming in the corners. There's just something so hypnotic about a woman crying.

Now it was time. It had been nearly an hour since she had swallowed those eggs. I wasn't sure what would be the appropriate time, but this seemed right. I ran into one more problem. She was still heavy, and there was no way I'd be able to lift her up. Luckily, I came up with another quick solution. Instead of moving her, I left her on the ground. But I stood up. She had no idea what was going to happen next. The surprise made it even better. I watched closely for her breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Then she began to exhale. Now was my chance. I swung my shoe backwards and gave her a hard kick in the chest. Her eyes suddenly opened wide and she spat. Then I did it again. And again. I kicked her in the stomach over and over, causing more and more pain. It must have been unimaginable. But it wasn't just the pain I was after. After a couple more kicks, I got what I wanted. I could see it in her face. She knew what was about to happen. Her mouth opened. The eggs came back up. She was now lying in a small puddle of her own vomit like the filthy fucking whore she was. And then I was done. I had no more to do. She was in horrible pain, covered in bile, and had lost all dignity. I wanted to ruin another human being, and my wish had now been fulfilled. There was only one thing left to do.

She croaked some unintelligible string of words, but I really didn't care what she had to say at this point. Knife in hand, I crouched down and whispered in her ear. "Thank you."

But enough about my weekend, how was yours?

Submitted January 03, 2018 at 05:48AM by LevyMartinez http://ift.tt/2DRYkRG copypasta

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