Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Nursing school killed my keto vibes keto

Hey Everyone! So as the title eludes to I am currently in nursing school. I do about 90 hours a week of combined school, clinicals, and studying. I did keto for about a month and rocked it until clinicals started. I don't always have access to a refrigerator or a microwave and sometimes i wasn't even allowed to take a lunch (psych-wards). I did at that point discover quest bars and was doing the bulletproof coffee on days that I didn't have time to cook breakfast. In addition to those I sometimes drink the premier protein shakes. They have 160 calories, 2 net carbs, and 30 grams of protein. So my question is what are some foods that will help me with this that I can meal prep with. Also, do you have any advice to help me integrate my nursing schedule better with my keto lifestyle.

22/F/5'6" | CW 238 | 50% BF | Mostly sedentary

  • 1504 kcal Goal, a 26% deficit. (802 min, 2046 max)
  • 20g Carbohydrates
  • 113g Protein (72g min, 119g max)
  • 108g Fat (30g min, 168g max)

Submitted January 03, 2018 at 07:31AM by gumptionn http://ift.tt/2lL69kB keto

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