Saturday, January 6, 2018

12 yo cat constantly hissing/fighting w her own reflection AskVet

Hi all!

I have a 12 year old tabby cat (rescued @ 3mos) who is in good health, if a touch overweight. She has been behaving normally except for a rather sudden new habit, which is now dominating her life.

She observes her own reflection and starts a stand off, with herself. It started with mirrors but now it’s in ANYTHING remotely reflective: glass doors, our black refrigerator, oven, laptop screens, even when the surface is as small as a single square inch.

She will stare and fight with her own reflection constantly.

She is an anxious cat anyway, always has been. I have to use an at-home vet service so they can sedate her for any treatment or tests. (Even when I’d sedate her with a pill prior to a vet visit she’d hulk out of it and panic/pee/scream so I’ve found it’s much easier to have the vet come to us, for her sake.)

But I don’t know what the vet would be able to do about this? Is she just aging, vision deteriorating? Does she have cat dementia? Is there anything I can do to help alleviate her stress regarding this?

Thank you for any help.

Submitted January 07, 2018 at 10:22AM by rhetoricetc AskVet

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