Saturday, June 24, 2017

Using formula as a temporary top-up to breast milk? beyondthebump

We're taking our 7-month-old to visit our home town in the UK, and I'd like to take advantage of my parents being able to watch her while I visit friends. But that means my daughter taking several bottles a day (she usually only takes one). I don't think I can pump as much as she eats, and don't fancy the idea of sitting on the pump for hours a day, trying to get a stash in the refrigerator. Are there any potential issues with introducing formula at this stage, just for the duration of our trip? Is there a chance that she won't like it? Or that she'll prefer it, and go off breast milk? Do I really have to pump as much as she drinks every single day in order to maintain my supply?

Submitted June 25, 2017 at 02:07AM by katiescarlett78 beyondthebump

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