Tuesday, June 20, 2017

NSV: Helped a fellow keto-er in need, and now I'm "keto fairy godmother" keto

I work at one of those cool tech companies that provides breakfast, lunch, and a bunch of snacks to the employees. Today I saw a colleague sifting through the snack drawers, picking things up, looking at the nutrition facts, cursing under her breath, and putting the snacks back in the drawer. She looked really frustrated.

"Are you doing keto?" I asked.

"OMG yes! How did you know??"

"Come with me..."

I then proceeded to spend 20 minutes with her walking her around the office, to the different snack areas, to the kitchen, the refrigerators, etc. in order to show her all of her keto options. Everything from string cheese, to beef jerky, to nuts, to avocados, almond butter, olives, low carb protein bars, lettuce wraps. You know the drill.

She was ecstatic! She was only a few days into keto and had no idea there were so many options at work, if you know what you're looking for. She also didn't realize that she should only be counting NET carbs rather than total carbs, so we looked at a few nutrition labels together and I walked her through how that works. She said she had been about to break the diet and cheat, not because of cravings, but just out of sheer frustration of not being able to easily find food. She called me her keto fairy godmother, haha! It's so fulfilling to be able to help a fellow keto-er stay on track!

Submitted June 21, 2017 at 02:19AM by PrincessBabyMuffin http://ift.tt/2rSaGCE keto

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