Thursday, June 8, 2017

My landlord wants to suddenly charge me full price for appliances, claiming I destroyed them. In need of advice for local resources I can contact. vegas

TL;DR. What the title says. Recently appliances have gone out and they've been replaced by the landlords. When I was unwilling to put out my own money for an additional appliance repair, as my lease does not say I am responsible for this, they suddenly claimed I must reimburse them ~$1000 for repairs and suggested I break my lease as I "seem unhappy."

Full story... I've been at my current residence for just over two years. In the last 14 months or so, the dryer, dishwasher, and refrigerator have all gone out. My landlords have replaced them immediately. The recent fridge replacement was faulty and needed to be replaced again less than two weeks later. The new dryer just recently stopped working again and since its two months over its one year warranty, they are saying that I am responsible for replacing it.

I reviewed my lease and it states that they own all the appliances and are solely responsible for the repair and maintenance of the property. I am only financially responsible if anything is missing or destroyed. I humored them briefly and called the GE repair number and its going to be a flat $99, plus labor and parts and the repair is only under warranty for 30 days. I told them I was not willing to put that kind of money into an appliance I did not own. I asked if we could arrange a time for them to pick up the broken dryer and I would replace it with a (cheap $60 CL) dryer I purchased myself.

They responded seven hours later claiming that I have destroyed these appliances and am now responsible for ~$1000 to reimburse them. They gave me options to pay payments over the next 10 months, as well as an option to break my lease, but stated I would still be responsible for the appliances. They said I have until 5pm tomorrow to give them an answer.

I have had zero problems with them thus far. They have been really great and helpful, so this was definitely out of nowhere. I'm in need of advice about who I can speak with to get this all sorted out. Any and all recommendations are definitely appreciated. Thank you.

Submitted June 09, 2017 at 01:16AM by thisissoraven vegas

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