Thursday, June 8, 2017

Is tenant or landlord responsible for dishwasher repairs [MA]? legaladvice

Hi all, I'm located in Massachusetts just outside Boston and renting an apartment. When we first viewed the apartment with our realtor, there was a portable dishwasher (for those who haven't seen one, it has wheels and hooks up to the sink when in use). We were told by the realtor the dishwasher was included. Not sure if this is important to mention, but before we rented the apartment it had been unoccupied for some time and was completely empty when our realtor showed it to us, so we had no reason to assume the dishwasher belonged to anyone else or wasn't part of the apartment. Who would be responsible for repairs for included appliances? Our lease does not have anything in it about appliances. I've been trying to look up MA tenant laws but I'm having trouble finding anything about an included appliance that isn't a stove or a fridge.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I forgot to mention that we have been living here since January with said dishwasher and that it's been working until today.

Edit 2: found this from the state sanitary code, not sure it applies though. But I would think the dishwasher is considered landlord provided because the apartment advertised with a dishwasher.

"410.351: Owner's Installation and Maintenance Responsibilities

The owner shall install or cause to be installed, in accordance with accepted plumbing, gasfitting and electrical wiring standards, and shall maintain free from leaks, obstructions or other defects, the following:

(A) all facilities and equipment which the owner is or may be required to provide including, but not limited to, all sinks, washbasins, bathtubs, showers, toilets, waterheating facilities, gas pipes, heating equipment, water pipes, owner installed stoves and ovens, catch basins, drains, vents and other similar supplied fixtures; the connections to water, sewer and gas lines; the subsurface sewage disposal system, if any; all electrical fixtures, outlets and wiring, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, and all heating and ventilating equipment and appurtenances thereto; and

(B) all owner-installed optional equipment, including but not limited to, refrigerators, dishwashers, clothes washing machines and dryers, garbage grinders, and submetering devices designed to measure the usage of electricity, gas or water. "

Submitted June 09, 2017 at 03:59AM by Acamm legaladvice

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