Friday, June 2, 2017

Childhood Friends [MF] gonewildstories

Childhood Friends

Part 1

Funny how things happen. After some substantial financial setbacks, my husband, Brian, and I ended up living back in the Midwest, in the old farm home where I had grown up. It was quite a step down from the gulf-front home we had lived in previously, but we had managed to make it as homey as we could.

Brian had finally found work, but it required him to travel through the week most of the time. I had not yet found another job, so kept myself busy working in the yard and repairing the old house.

On this hot and humid 92 degree summer day, I was mowing our two acres of grass. After about 20 minutes I stopped and changed from my shorts and t-shirt into a two piece swim suit – my rather skimpy “sunning bikini” as I called it in more leisure times of the past when working on my tan on the beach. But I guess it's just as easy working on a tan while mowing grass. There were so few cars coming down this deserted road we lived on that I could have probably gone naked and no one would have seen me.

Mowing in the front yard, I saw a truck that I recognized coming slowly down the road – Billy Scott who I had gone to school with. Actually, I knew Billy even before first grade, as his family was friends with ours, so we had known each other for almost 30 years.

Billy always pulled to the side of the road to chat whenever he saw Brian or I working in the yard. This time however, he kind of rolled to a stop at an angle in the yard. I drove the mower over to where he was and shut it off.

“Billy, what's up?”

“Hi Emma. I was hoping this old battery would last until I got home to put the new one in, but I didn't make it. Do you suppose you could run me down to the house and back here so I can pick up the new battery and put it in?”

“Sure, just let me go grab my keys and a couple of bottles of water - meet my at my truck.” And I headed to the house, realizing half way there that he was watching my near-nude butt walking away. Inside the house I decided I had better put some pants on, so I slipped on a pair of cutoff shorts, picked up my keys and some water and headed to my beat up old pickup, where Billy was waiting.

“You know Emma, you didn't have to put those shorts on. The view was just fine” he said with his easy grin. I just laughed and smiled, saying “don't be silly.” Actually, he had always made me a little nervous, not really caring if his eyes openly roamed over you while chatting.

Billy was always that quiet guy in school that blended into the background. Until there was a fight, then he always seemed to be in the middle of it, and he always won. Even though he was well over 6' 4” tall and 240 pounds, he was never interested in sports, or any other school activities. If anything, he was even bigger now. On the other hand, I was in about every activity and club possible. And although we had virtually nothing in common, we had remained friends. Until we moved back to this house a year ago, I had not seen him for over 20 years. Glancing at him, he was wearing what seemed to be his usual clothes, a worn out pocket t-shirt with holes in it, a size too small, which I had noticed before accented his rather large muscles. And a package of cigarettes in the pocket. And a pair of jeans, also with a lot of holes. And I have to admit, you could usually see the outline of his, umm, penis laying against his left leg. That confirmed another rumor from those school days......

It was about a 15 minute drive to Billy's house. He was not shy about his eyes roaming over my body while he commented, “with all that running you've really kept yourself in good shape Emma.” There were no gyms out where we lived, and no money for a membership even if there was, so running was about my only workout, managing about 20 to 30 miles a week.

Pulling into his drive I noticed for the first time a sign that simply read “Wood Shop”.

“I didn't realize that you enjoyed wood working Billy.”

“Actually, this is my full-time business now. I gave up construction work several years ago. Come on in and I'll show you what I do.”

The furniture was quite interesting. I'm not sure how to describe it – very rustic, kind of Appalachian themed. I had never seen anything of this style, and we spent the next 30 minutes looking at various pieces as he explained how they were built. Then, having run out of things to say, there was an uneasy silence as we looked at each other.

I knew then that Billy was going to fuck me.

Pushing me against a wall, his mouth came down on mine. I tasted cigarettes on his tongue, could smell his sweat from this hot day. Both hands were on my breasts as he ripped the bikini top away, breaking the snap. His hands were very rough and calloused from years of hard work, and he rolled my nipples with his fingers.

“No Billy, stop it.”

And he kissed me harder, his tongue probing inside my mouth, while one hand slid down my stomach, then between my legs as he cupped my pussy through my shorts, rubbing it while I wriggled under his touch, trying to get away.

“Billy, don't do this.”

But trying to push him away was like trying to move a mountain.

“We have to stop this Billy” and I started to move towards the door. But he grabbed me around my waist, picked me up like I was a feather and tossed me on a sofa.

Stepping back, he pulled his shirt over his head, kicked his shoes off and pulled his jeans off. Then taking his shorts off, I could see for myself what the boys joked about when we were in high school – oh my gosh!

Standing me back up, he unzipped my shorts and slid them down my legs and off of me. Grabbing my thong on each side, he pulled and ripped it off. Kissing me again, his cock pressed against my stomach. Then without a word he turned me around and leaned me over a work table.

Moving his hand down me pushed my legs apart and began running his hand over my pussy, making me wet against my will. Unexpectedly he slid a rough finger inside of me, and I was embarrassed thinking “it feels like Brian's cock in me.” Struggling to get up was useless – he was too strong and large.

“Please Billy, I'm begging you to stop.”

Suddenly he stepped back, and for a moment I thought he was going to let me go. But then he flipped me on my back, pulling my hips to the edge of the table. Looking down at him I could see how enormous his now fully hard cock was.

“Billy, you can't.”

“Think back to when we were were teenagers Emma, working on the farm. You always managed to cut off your jeans too short to leave much to the imagination. And those crop top t-shirts, you never wearing a bra, working on the hay wagon, and you so wet with sweat so that your nipples showed.”

Think back to Sunday School, when I was always in trouble for not paying attention – usually because I was looking at your legs in those short skirts, looking at your thighs every time you crossed your legs.”

“Think back to high school Emma, your cute cheerleader outfits, wiggling your hips. And me, all I wanted was you. Look at me Emma, look in my eyes as I finally fuck you. And you can wiggle those hips all you want to now.”

Holding me down with one hand, he took his cock in his other hand and began sliding it up and down my slit. As he began pushing the mushroom-shaped head into me I began to whimper from being stretched, and was thankful I had become so wet. Billy, realizing I was soaked, did not hesitate and shoved his cock part way in me.

“Noooo” I screamed, feeling he was tearing me apart, spreading my legs wide trying somehow to make it easier for him to fit. Looking down I realized that he was only half way inside me.

“Stop, please stop.”

But he didn't. Grabbing my butt cheeks he lifted my hips off the table, then with one hard push he was all the way in me, and for a moment I thought I would pass out. Then Billy began fucking me. Hard. Hitting places deep inside me that I had never felt before. Pushing against his chest, I begged him to stop, but knowing he was beyond quiting now.

Then he paused for a moment. I could feel his bristly hairs against my mound. I could feel him so deep inside me, it felt he was up my chest.

“Look at me Emma. Look in my eyes now. I want you to look me in the eyes while I fuck you. I want to see them open wide when I cum inside you. This is for all those times I wanted you.”

Fucking me again, I could suddenly feel his cock beginning to swell, seemingly growing even longer. Then raising my butt high off the table, he stiffened and I felt him cumming in me as he pulled me tight, streams of cum hitting deep inside me. And I also came. So hard I screamed, my body flipping side to side, my hands grabbing the edge of the table, and as Billy said, my hips wiggling frantically while impaled on his cock. Pulling his cock out, he started stroking it, and thick ropes of cum began hitting my breasts and face.

Smacking my pussy with his cock, all he said was “that was a good start Emma.”

Billy walked to a refrigerator, and brought back two bottles of water. As he handed a bottle to me, I reached up and slapped his face hard. And slapped him again and again, yelling at him while crying.

“Enough” he said, picking me up and laying me on the work table on my stomach. Almost fully erect again, he spread my legs and shoved his cock into me hard. And for the next two hours he fucked me in any position he wanted, at one point tying my hands above my head while he fucked me against the wall. And I was humiliated, humiliated that this was happening, and that he made me cum against my will, over and over.

Finally done with me, he handed me my shorts and one of his white t-shirts.

“Let's go Emma. We need to get you back to your house.”

The drive back to my house was quiet, neither of us speaking. He simply picked up the new battery and carried it out to his truck.

I went inside to take a shower. Taking off the shorts and t-shirt, I looked at my naked body in the mirror. My breasts had red, irritated spots where his rough beard stubble had rubbed me. And there were bruises near my nipples where he had sucked or bitten me – when had that happened? Our combined fluids were dried on my pussy and thighs. I could see the beginnings of bruises on my pelvis, not surprising considering how hard he had pounded me. And my face. My face had his dried cum on it. Licking my lips and around my mouth, I tasted him.

After a very long shower I looked out the window, and Billy was gone. For some reason, I put the t-shirt he had given me back on. I opened a bottle of wine, grabbed a glass and sat on the back porch. And for the next few hours I tried to grasp what had happened. With the final realization that I did not regret any of it......

Part 2

I picked Brian up Friday evening at the rental car company – since we only had the pickup truck, I had to drop him off and pick him up at either the rental car company or the airport each week. Driving home he asked me “how did you get those bruises on your legs.”

“Oh, just from moving some stuff around in the garage” I lied, realizing that I was going to have to be cautious this weekend. I might be able to lie about bruises on my legs, but explaining bruises on my pelvis, “hickeys” on my breasts, red hand prints on my butt and splotches all over where Billy's rough stubble had rubbed on my skin would not be be easy to explain.

I undressed and slid into bed in the dark that night. Brian was ready for our usual Friday night sex and within moments was fucking me. Wrapping my legs around him, my hands on his butt, I tried desperately tried pulling him deeper inside me. I was not nearly done when he went to sleep.

Saturday was catch-up day, with a lot of chores outside. I was painting an old shed when I looked up and saw that Billy had pulled over and was talking to Brian. I immediately stiffened, not knowing what the conversation was about.

“What did Billy have to say” I asked Brian after Billy drove off.

“Nothing, we were just talking about some crazy stuff that happened back in school in the old days. Remember when I had a crush on Jenny Stevens? And, I think Billy probably had a crush on you,” he laughed.

We went back to our Saturday chores, had sex again that night, me riding Brian until he went to sleep.

And the rest of the weekend passed quickly

Part 3

Monday and Tuesday I was restless, unable to keep my mind focused on anything. Then the mailman dropped off a package. Curious, I opened it, surprised to find a new black bikini, almost like the one Billy had torn off me. There was a note that simply read “From Billy.” Going inside, I tried it on, and it fit perfectly, although a little skimpier than the other one. I would have expected that from Billy, I thought to myself, laughing.

Wednesday, I finally could not help myself. Getting in my old truck, I made the short drive to Billy's house. Knocking on the door of the shop, I stepped inside. “Billy, are you here?” I called. He did not answer.

Walking to the house I knocked on the screen door, and he walked into the living room.

“What a surprise! Come in Emma”

I stepped inside, and stood there for a moment.

“So, what are you doing here?”

“I, I just wanted to see you,” I stammered.

Then I pulled the t-shirt off over my head, then unzipped my jean shorts and stepped out of them

“Wow, I see you got the new bikini I sent you. Very nice!”

“So you came here to model it for me?”

“Billy. Please.....” I realized I was stammering again.

“Fuck me Billy, please fuck me,” I whispered.

“Speak up Emma, I didn't hear you.”

Louder I said “Please, fuck me again. Please? I promise I will be better than the other day.”

Looking at me for a moment, he said, “then maybe you should take that bikini off. It would be a shame to tear another one apart.”

Removing it, I stood naked in from of him.

“I had no idea that I would have the pleasure of using this beautiful little body again so soon. What a pleasant surprise” he said, turning me around slowly and looking me over.

He removed his clothes. All except his boxers. “Maybe you would like to take these off me,” he said. Then he picked me up, carried me to his bedroom and roughly tossed me on the bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I pulled his shorts down as he stepped out of them. And for the first time I took his cock in my hands. It was heavy, unlike what I had ever expected one would be. I don't know why, I guess I had never thought about it, and like Billy, his cock was covered in freckles. Wrapping one hand around the base, and another above that, my two hands together were not even close to half his length. And definitely would not circle it.

I began stroking it, while kissing the tip gently, licking off his precum. Billy again slid a rough finger inside me, finding me totally soaked. Somehow he knew exactly where that special spot was, while his thumb rubbed my clitoris.

Stepping back, he pushed me back on the bed and immediately thrusting his cock all the way into me, causing a scream.

And he began fucking me, only this time I was fucking him back. I met every thrust with my hips rising to him, our bodies slamming together. The only sounds were his grunting, my erratic breathing and his balls slapping against my ass as our bodies found a perfect rhythm.

It was incredible, how his cock somehow was able to touch every sensitive place inside me. Especially my cervix, which caused a mind shattering orgasm that never seemed to stop, leaving me quivering underneath him.

Flipping me on my stomach, Billy pushed my back down and pulled my ass up to him, not hesitating as he rammed into me again. I was again meeting every thrust, pushing back to him, until he just stood there with his hands on his hips while I pushed back on his cock, fucking him wildly. Then moving on the bed with me, he got on one knee and began fucking me harder, one hand pulling my head back by the hair. I was in heaven.

And like the first time, Billy spent the next two hours using me in one position after another. I was stunned by his ability to recover so quickly. And again, he finished by covering me in his cum, my stomach, breasts and face.

I dozed off, not sure how long I was asleep. Waking, I had that wonderfully sore feeling between my legs. I heard Billy and someone talking, and looking towards the living room I saw someone looking back at my naked body sprawled on the bed. He looked familiar, and I realized it was Billy's older brother, whom I had not seen in many years. Quickly covering myself with a sheet, the guy just smiled and winked.

Dressing, I hopped in my truck and drove home. Left alone again with my thoughts.

Part 4

Picking Brian up at the airport, we stopped on the way home and grabbed a few groceries. It was payday, and we always had to stretch food to make ends meet.

Friday night as usual, we had sex. I was apparently becoming more aggressive with him, as he commented “I don't know what's gotten into to you Emma, but I like it.” In a short time he was asleep.

Saturday was again filled with outdoor chores. And as the previous week, I looked up to see Billy pulled off the road, and Brian there chatting with him. Walking back to the house, Brian told me that Billy had invited us to a hot dog roast that evening. Telling him no, that I would rather spend the evening at home, Brian insisted it would be good to get out. Complaining I had nothing to wear, he told me he would pick out an outfit while I showered.

Getting out of the shower, I found the yellow flowered sundress that Brian always liked laying on the bed. It was a little faded, but still looked good on me. And Brian liked the cleavage it allowed.

We showed up at Billy's house, with the 12-pack of beer and chips, as requested. There were several people there we knew, and we met some other nice folks. Billy pretty much stayed away from me, not causing any awkward situations. I was glad Brian insisted we come.

I was standing at the edge of the group, out of the light of the bonfire, when someone walked up behind me and put his arm around my shoulders. It was Billy's older brother Tom, who had seen me in the house the other day. Well, actually, had seen me laying naked on Billy's bed.

“So Emma, what does Brian think about you and Billy fucking?”

I just looked at him, unable to speak.

“Maybe we can work out something so that he doesn't need to know. What do you think?”

“Like what?”

He began walking me behind the house, his hands sliding down my back and squeezing my butt.

“You and Billy can continue doing your thing, and all you need to do is take care of me occasionally. And then Brian needs to know none of this.”

Leading me up to an old car behind the house, it was dark with just the light of the flickering flames of the bonfire. Leaning me over the trunk of the car, Tom pulled my dress up over my hips, sliding my panties off of me. I heard his zipper, then felt his cock sliding up and down my slit.

“One other thing Emma. I expect you to participate, not just lay there. I want you fucking me back. Understand?”

I nodded my head.

As Tom began shoving his cock into my pussy, thought that it must run in the family. He was as big as Billy, if not more so. My body quickly began to betray my mind and I was wet almost instantly. Pulling my hair back, he clamped a hand around my mouth as he rammed home, stifling a scream.

Now, with my body responding involuntarily, I began to rock back against him, fucking him as he told me. And we came together, Tom filling me as my body shook on his cock. While looking towards the bonfire, seeing Brian and Billy talking and laughing.

Finishing with me, Tom handed me a handkerchief to clean myself up. Reaching for my panties, he picked them up first and put them in his pocket, saying “I think I'll keep these until the next time Emma.”

Arriving home a couple hours later, Brian was ready for sex, and pulled my dress over my head. As both of us realized I had no panties on, he said “my god Emma, I cannot believe you did not wear any panties to the party. But whatever, I find that very sexy.”

And I think that was the hardest that Brian ever fucked me.

Part 5

That summer slowly rolled on, and yes, all three of them were fucking me. Then we received the news that Brian had gotten a promotion, along with a substantial salary increase. We would however, be moving to Atlanta.

While Brian had already gone to his new job, I called Billy, told him the news and asked if we could meet one more time. Not just with him, but with him and Tom together.

I spent the next three days with the two of them. Then exhausted, went back to the old farmhouse, packed my suitcases and headed for Atlanta.

Submitted June 03, 2017 at 04:25AM by thighsgentlyparting gonewildstories

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