Sunday, November 20, 2016

Stuck in the hospital, new to EPing. Help! breastfeeding

Alright, so I'm not even sure what I'm looking for. I guess support, mostly. My 13 weeker (8 adjusted) was admitted to the children's hospital Friday night. We have been having GI issues; mucoid stools, colic, reflux (on Zantac and it helps), and I just knew something was wrong. His PCM kept blowing me off because I'm a FTM, but at the last appointment he had gained only 4 oz in 18 days. She ran some blood tests and his liver enzymes were elevated, so they admitted us to figure it out.

So on the plus side, we are in the right place to figure out what is wrong. On the challenging side, the docs want me to exclusively pump so they can quantify how much milk he is getting. It makes sense, but I'm having a lot of trouble. My supply is down because I wasn't eating, so I started eating again but now I'm not sleeping because I have to pump or he can't eat. I broke last night and tried to breastfeed, and once was moderately successful and the second time he flipped out, refused the breast, I ended up having to pump while listening to him hungry scream, not a good situation. I power pumped last night and this morning, I'm drinking tons of water and mothers milk tea and eating oatmeal.

Also I have cut the top 8 allergens from my diet to try and fix my baby's stool issue, so eating is really hard. I can't eat any hospital food except fruit basically, I can't cook, I have no access to a refrigerator.

I'm rambling because I'm so sleep deprived. I don't know what I'm even looking for- I guess somebody to tell me I'm not damaging our breastfeeding relationship irreparably. And maybe a hug. Hugs are good. ❤️

Submitted November 20, 2016 at 07:53PM by Hannahwith2hs breastfeeding

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