Sunday, November 6, 2016

Struggling 23/M, 5'11 190lbs Fitness

Hey r/Fitness, I'm a 23 year old male in college for an engineering degree and working a part time job in fast food. I've tried in the past to get on a diet and workout, but have always been beaten by either lack of motivation/energy or pressure from my SO to eat fast food so we dont have to cook. I've recently moved into an apartment with 3 roommates, I hardly have any space in the refrigerator but a small about of space in the freezer and as much space as i need for no refrigerated foods. I'm currently 190 at 5'11 which I've been told isn't too awful, but I'm dissatisfied with myself and can't stand the way I look. I suffer from major depression (taking wellbutrin for it at 2 150 per day) and have been struggling with meeting people due to what my psychologist has said is possibly schizoid personality disorder. I don't have a large income and most of the diets I've looked up are either too boring (for instance, one had eggs every morning, and after the first week of this I couldn't eat eggs, as in I could barely force myself to swallow them) or too vague (just balance your macros bruh). I have the 8fit app and am trying to lose 1.5-2 pounds a week, however my past normal diet may have screwed with my metabolism. I've been eating 1 or 2 meals a day ~5 days a week for 2-3 years, with the other two days being 3-4 meals a day. All the meals were typically fast food/fast dining (e.g. ihop, taco bell, sonic). Recently, I've been having difficulty eating at all, the other day I had a chicken filet biscuit for breakfast at 10am and tried to eat later but found myself not hungry in spite working an 8 hour shift at work. My current income is between 720 USD to 960 USD a month, 475 of that goes to rent and ~70 goes to my phone bill (which includes a device payment so it may drop in the future, but not soon). I typically work 2-11pm shifts on the weekend with a couple 4 hour days sprinkled in the weekdays. I think my primary problem is finding a diet thats cheap, healthy and easy, my depression makes cooking a struggle as the kitchen is almost always filthy from my roommates and I hate prolonged cooking in such a mess, but cleaning it takes too much energy for me. Minimizing dishes is also desirable, as I have a patch of contact dermatitis on my hand from a bad burn at work that becomes painfully inflamed by cleaning agents. I could really use some help.

Submitted November 06, 2016 at 08:57PM by Barchiel33 Fitness

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