Sunday, November 20, 2016

Crazy week (purging my psyche) opiates

Ever have one of those weeks? Last weekend I was at the end of my rope mentally, financially, the works. We've all been there. Then, out of the blue a redditor PMs me and offers to help me out. Completely caught me off guard. What an awesomely selfless act! An answered prayer (or not?).

The next day, my boss tells me that I'm getting a raise. This is great news but doesn't help in the immediate sense as payday is another week away but still, a raise makes you feel good and gives you something to look forward to :)

My phone went for a swim a couple weeks ago and a buddy gave me his phone when he got a new one this week which was awesome. It's a Note 4 so not a crappy phone at all.

My power company was hitting me up for last month's bill and I had 3 days, at that point, to get it paid ...or else. I call in any and all favors, hit up everyone that owes me money and manage to just get the entirety of the bill together if I count the assistance from the aforementioned awesome redditor.

The count so far:

  • Sunday: WD's, Desperation, panic.
  • Monday: WD's, but got a raise. No Desperation ;)
  • Tuesday: Awesome redditor offers to help, no WD's (managed to get well somewhat)
  • Wednesday: WD's but hopeful.
  • Thursday: Ohhh Thursday....

    • My car broke down but I managed to fix it myself via youtube and google
    • Lost a carton of cigarettes (which I happened to find today. yay!)
    • Dropped a refrigerator on my foot at work - no broken bones
    • No WD's. A connect fronted out of the blue. Good day all things considered.
  • Friday: Was supposed to hear from that redditor today but they were a no-call no-show. Uh oh. I feel uncomfortable reaching out to this person as they were doing me a kindness to begin with. I just borrow the power bill difference from a friend just to get it paid and over with. I ask the redditor if they are okay, if anything was wrong but never got a reply. This being an opiate related board, when people disappear all of a sudden, it might mean something really bad. My youtube quick-fix for my car doesn't hold and breaks again. After a 5 block walk home and a googling, I then fix it again using youtube and google as glue.

  • Saturday: Computer wouldn't boot. "Operating system not found". Call my computer repair buddy. Hard drive is dead. Fortunately, I don't keep anything important on that drive and have learned to back up my shit as per my friend's admonishments throughout the years. Drive was supplied by my computer guy, as well, for free (awesome guy).

  • Sunday: Uneventful which is good. Manage to stay well to a small degree without any drama.

Sorry for the newspaper-length post ;) I'm bored and thought this last week warranted a vent post. So much good and bad happened this week it was nuts.

TL;DR: Got a raise, a redditor offered to help financially but bailed and ignored me, car broke down, computer broke, lost and found a carton of smokes, dropped refrigerator on my foot (no break), got a new(ish) phone, managed to pay a power bill and stay well much of the week in spite of it all.

EDIT's: Stupidity

Submitted November 21, 2016 at 07:03AM by CYPROXY opiates

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