Sunday, November 20, 2016

Chocolate cream peanut butter cheesecake with chocolate coated crust (X-Post from /Keto) ketorecipes

Hey, So I made this and thought I'd share Ended up tasting great, it was easy to make, satisfied my need to mix and match dessert recipes into new things I'm happy to elaborate on the recipes if people are interested Or if people want to submit modifications, I need to make this again in a few days for thanksgiving with my non-keto family Good luck to everyone during the holidays!

-- For KetoRecipes -- I actually was winging it for most of this.
The crust is a typical Keto Pie crust: 1/4 cup Coconut flour, 1 cup almond flour, 1/4 cup melted butter, and sweetner to your taste. Bake at 325 for 20ish minutes, but watch for browning.

for the chocolate on the crust, i used this: Instead of molding it, i poured it onto the cooled/frozen pie crust, then added some kosher salt

The cheesecake was simple: creamcheese, sweetener, heavy cream (typical no-bake recipe) and then I added powdered peanutbutter. I actually forgot to add lemonjuice (womp womp)

Chocolate cream is literally just heavy whipping cream, cocoa powder, a shot of caramel coffee syrup (sugar free), and a tiny bit of sweetener. I actually screwed up here, and added a little too much. Beat it in a stand mixer until it's thick.

Add them all together and you're good to go. I did let it set over night in the refrigerator, but I don't think that was necessary, it was just late when I finished.

Please suggest anything that would be a good addition or change to this! I need to make it again in a few days. I'm already committed to adding regular whipped cream and garnishing with shaved chocolate. should be fun =P

Submitted November 21, 2016 at 02:04AM by VagueSilhouette ketorecipes

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