Thursday, October 1, 2015

/r/CrazyIdeas report: Thursday, September 24, 2015 - Wednesday, September 30, 2015 subredditreports

Totals: 7 days, 336 posts, 1,207 comments.
Included in this report: The top 336 posts, and 1,215 of the top comments, by 1,002 distinct authors.
No comments or posts were gilded :(

See the comments for detailed reports and charts.

Most Popular Posts

Score Author Post Title
3071 /u/johnman3366 Glue a tiny mirror over your drivers license photo so when you hand it to the police they will get confused and arrest themselves instead.
2690 /u/1b1d A jalapeño-shaped piñata, called a jalapiñata, that douses partygoers with mace when it's busted open.
1906 /u/MyNameIsGunner Instead of tinting your windows, put a fog machine in your car to retain your air of mystery
1772 /u/Shifty_Drifter Make Bigfoot an elected office. Must be at least 7 feet tall, have a startling amount of hair, and be able to always stay just a little out of focus. Bigfoot will now also be the nemesis of the Postmaster General, trying their best to interrupt and molest as much mail as possible during their term.
1540 /u/kaidude A new show "Storage Whores" in which pimps compete to purchase storage crates full of trafficked prostitutes.
1331 /u/111111222222 Buy an oil rig, put a boxing ring on it, ship it to international waters and stream live event deathmatches for fabulous prizes with the likes of soldiers and pro fighters to find out who is the ultimate warrior.
1066 /u/paraworldblue Bender: like Tinder, but solely for people looking to bring their self destruction to the "next level"
984 /u/snoxxn Create online mental disorder quiz. Every possible result says you're normal.
927 /u/theHangedGod Create a modern Rosetta Stone of every language and bury it under a stone pyramid just incase something really bad happens to the world.
511 /u/BonzerEndymion Replace all fire extinguishers with flamethrowers.
358 /u/topraf An art school where naked student paint a dressed model
348 /u/btafaii Have 5 year olds spell every word, and use the average for the new correct spelling.
331 /u/zachar3 If Trump is elected, he should make politicians compete for Cabinet positions Apprentice-Style
302 /u/CaliforniaPoppyCock The Dalai Lama and Pope Francis arm wrestle; whoever loses has to convert to the other's religion.
258 /u/abeniman Start a rumour that Kanye West's newest album will be a blank CD, and people are to "imagine" the music
238 /u/miraoister Replace GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) with DMT (Dimethyltryptamine)
223 /u/ShawshankHarper Let Hideo Kojima write a Bond movie.
197 /u/SomeWeirdDude A movie about an infection spreading but instead of zombies people slowly turn into muppets
143 /u/Bongobaule Put a moose on a trampoline
134 /u/Duthos 50 lbs video game controllers so you can excercise and game at the same time
128 /u/Mullagain Open an IMAX theater exclusively for porn and call it CLIMAX
119 /u/Dreamcawst Bernie Sanders should do an AMA on r/circlejerk. By the time it's discovered it's actually him, it's too late to ask anything.
115 /u/fluffynubkin Reverse Tylenol. It gives you a headache.
113 /u/OmitsWordsByAccident The next time you realize you are dreaming, try to get into contact with me in your dream. I'll be living with the people across the street from you for the next 30 days. I'm whatever age you want me to be and look and sound however you want me to. I want to see how many dream friends I can make.
108 /u/BonzerEndymion Blow up the moon so Earth can can have a ring and/or horrible meteors. Sell tickets for the largest meteor shower ever. Use profits to rebuild the moon.
107 /u/SirHall Take away speed limits on all roads but increase penalties for car accidents to see how drivers govern themselves
103 /u/ItsaMeMattio Make OPs upvotes count for 10,000 upvotes on r/askreddit, so they get to pick the best answer to their question.
87 /u/kingcarlin Vote Chelsea Clinton for President just so Hillary becomes the Leonardo DiCaprio of the Clinton family
84 /u/Shifty_Drifter Build a replica of Letterman's Late Show set in the old grain silo out back. Then, capture Jon Stewart in a steel trap and whisk him away to your silo. Force him to deliver Jay Leno monologues in your own private late night talkshow hell. Eternal Guest: the ghoulish ambulatory remains of Larry King.
78 /u/Shifty_Drifter Find the members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that can produce the shrillest and loudest screeches. Give them enormous mutated bats to ride, black armor, and swords and have them patrol the nation with mercilous politeness. This new elite shall be known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Wraiths.
69 /u/Imp0924 Convince Boko-Haram that poachers are against Islam.
66 /u/nv_ertigo Put trace amounts of amphetamines in McDonald's burgers so that after eating them, unhealthy eaters will be more awake, alert, and potentially motivated to make positive life changes, instead of feeling lethargic from the itis.
63 /u/gooomonk Instead of having a leap year every 4 years on our calenders, we should have a leap milenium every 1460 years, where we add an extra year to our calenders
62 /u/OmitsWordsByAccident Instead of dick pics, start sending women pictures of your refrigerator contents, knowing that a few will respond in kind, and you can strike up a friendship with them that might someday blossom into a full-fledged romance. And if they don't, just follow up 3 days later with "plenty of room, bitch"
61 /u/Pomodorosan Play Reddit on Impossible Mode by downvoting your posts and comments as soon as you publish them

Submitted October 02, 2015 at 11:06AM by subredditreports subredditreports

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