Thursday, October 22, 2015

How do you (or did you) prepare water for your baby? beyondthebump


My daughter started eating "solids" (mostly prunes mash from a pouch, which I feed with a spoon) about a month ago. However, we still have not properly given her water! (This is okay, since she eats at most half a pouch a day.)

We've been going back and forth about how to prepare the water. We prefer not to give her water straight from the tap, because we have received several letters in the mail over the past few years from our water supplier that the water was contaminated for a few hours on various random dates. My wife suggested mineral water, but I vetoed it, because I heard that bottled water is actually worse than tap water.

Finally, after a bit of research, my wife suggested nursery water. This seemed like a reasonable solution, except that on the packaging it says to boil the water first. But once we boil the water, it takes a long time for the water to cool! It is unreasonable to put the water in the refrigerator, because who knows how many bacteria live there...

So... what do people do?!?!? What did/do you did/do?

There must be an easy method for preparing water for your baby!

Submitted October 22, 2015 at 12:33PM by ShinyBaldMan beyondthebump

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