Monday, January 8, 2018

Wrongful termination in New York City? legaladvice

Hi all. I was recently fired from a company I've worked at for 6 years. I've had virtually no issues other than being late a handful of times. I was fired under the terms of being "being violent" with another coworker. Me and this coworker haven't really got along in the past. A week before I "was violent with him," we got into an argument and things have been tense ever since. HR knew about the argument and was well aware things were tense. I work in a restaurant and the space is pretty tight and I had accidentally brushed shoulders with him as I was going to grab supplies to restock our refrigerator. He went to HR saying I elbowed him 3 times and got two of his friends also working that day to write witness statements backing him up. There's no security camera footage of the incident, just their word against mine. They've been know to gang up on people they don't like before. To me, it's pretty clear that this is retaliation. Sorry if this is all over the place, I'm still in shock that I'm dealing with this. Do I have a case here, or should I move on?

Submitted January 08, 2018 at 11:47PM by zoethegreatest legaladvice

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