Tuesday, January 2, 2018

I need recipes, advises, tips, maybe sites to improve my diet EatCheapAndHealthy

NOTE: I wanted to write a short question with some details, but I ended up venting a bit by telling a story how I ended up with a eating disorder I'm trying to cure. The 4th paragraph is where the important part is, I marked it with bold, the rest can be ignored.

Today I found this sub thanks to a r/AskReddit comment and decided to look a bit around since I want to do some changes in my not so healthy diet. My depression hasn't kicked in a while and I want to take advantage for it for some changes before it returns and lose all my energy and motivation again.

As a kid obviously I had to eat what my parents offered me, which wasn't always healthy, rich in fats and I abused bread a lot. Thinking in perspective I had some eating disorder even back then and I still have it in other form. I developed some liver issues and I had to keep a diet where I had to cut down anything fried in oil or made from grounded meat, stuff that was always present in my daily meals. Got better, at first I was lacking energy, but got used to it. After a year and some months I started to feel like wanting ground meat products back, even of of the fried ones. Also they were still cooked in the house and I had to deal with the smell for too long, not to mention that my mother sometimes did passive aggressive remarks when refusing some meals. Got into them back, the refrigerator was quite stuffed with a lot of meat and even that I learned to cook since 12 years old and I was doing it often, I still had to relay on the ingredients I had, resulting in a diet rich on meat.

Then things changed to worse when I moved to start Uni. Less money means less access to food. Most of the days I was eating stuff me and my roommate got from home. Lots of smoked of fried meat that was easier to preserve, pastas and canned and preserved food. Because we lacked a refrigerator we had to consume very fast some foods before going to waste. There was also a lack of time so instead of having the classic three meals a day I had only one that was a bit more consistent than a usual one. However, because of the lack of money sometimes I was starving and sometimes I was eating too much when I had access to food again, resulting in gaining and losing weight quite often. I received only a quarter of the amount of money others were receiving from parents and even that I wanted to start a job my parents protested not to until I finish my studies and the untreated depression and anxiety attacks I have since elementary school made me even less motivated to find a job. One day I said that is enough, I had no longer any motivation to continue some studies that went nowhere so I started looking for a job. My first jobs weren't quite well payed, rent is huge here and I ended up with same amount of money for food, but at least I was "financially independent" with a pinch of extra stress. In present I found a job that I like, the income isn't that great compared to others jobs, but is much better than anything I had before and I'm quite financially comfortable and less stressed now, which dimmed my depression episodes.

Now the important part. I'm trying to get over my eating disorder. I have a small launch and a big dinner. Few days ago I cooked half kilogram (1.1 pounds) of boneless chicken legs with nearly one kilogram of stuffed vegetables and eaten at one single meal which is already a serving for 2 or 3 people. My goal is to split those quantities from a meal between more smaller ones, but I also want to vary them, so instead of eating a snack and a huge meal consisting of a single food, I'll like to try more, but in smaller quantities.

I like to cook and try new stuff, but I'm working so fast and healthy recipes are welcomed. I'll like some ideas and suggestions of snacks to have at work. I get often interrupted by customers, the launch break isn't really guaranteed (is a 7h job tho) and there is no refrigerator, but I don't want to come back home really hungry and be tempted to eat in excess again.

I was used with a died rich in meat, not planning eliminate meat at all, but is the case to reduce it at small quantities. The problem is that being too used with it I'm starting to feel very tired if I don't eat some and get hungry again quite fast. Some healthier alternatives will be great. I managed to eliminate bread again at least, I no longer need it to fill my stomach and take away the hunger sensation. Still struggling to reduce sweets, which I used to abuse a lot.

I need to mention that I don't live in US as most redditors do, but somewhere in Eastern Europe. Some ingredients may be quite hard to acquire here, while others can be quite expensive (like shrimps), but I did tweaks before to some recipes and replaced some ingredients with local alternatives.

Beside tomatoes of any kind (no matter if home grown or got from the grocery store), grapefruit and pineapple, I really like any kind of fruit and vegetable. I love rice, mushrooms peas, lentil, chickpeas a lot, same as I love to eat uncooked spinach leaves and carrots.

I do not plan to go for a carb or gluten free diet, I still prefer to get everything I need, but in the right quantities. I do not plan to start losing weight right away by exercising until I don't get used to a new diet. In present I'm 1'83 meters and 90 kilograms (6 feet and 198 lbs) so I'm quite overweight.

As the titles implies, I seeking recipes ideas, some advises will be great and also some online sources for research.

Submitted January 02, 2018 at 08:15PM by Gabi_Alex http://ift.tt/2A6vqLf EatCheapAndHealthy

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