Saturday, January 6, 2018

Children found in filth. Parents charged with endangering their welfare. Home maker mom given lighter sentence than dad who often worked double shifts. MensRights

The judge actually provided her reasoning for the sentencing disparity. It came down to the mother taking classes which in part made her employable so her potential to be employed weighed more than the fact that he had and probably lost a job because the courts chose to incarcerate him and it came down to her "showing remorse" and "forgiving herself".

Ummm OK, but if I was the father, I might be wondering what else I could have done working maybe an 80 hour week so we could stock the refrigerator with food, pay the rent, etc. and so my wife could stay home and care for the children.

I'm not saying that he shouldn't have been convicted or punished, but he shouldn't have gotten a harsher sentence than she got.

Submitted January 06, 2018 at 01:51PM by andejoh MensRights

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