Thursday, January 4, 2018

[California, US] Bought a fridge from Sears. Ice maker has not worked since. They won't replace our fridge or give us full amount for what we paid for it. Can we take them to court? legaladvice

So we bought a kenmore fridge from a Sears store and it as delivered Sep 30th last year. Since then, it has made no ice. We've called Sears "customer service" since we paid for the extended insurance on the fridge so that a tech can be sent out to fix the problem. Out of the 5 appointments we've made, 3 of them no one showed up. And each time no one showed up, we had to take the day off work because their techs only work between a time frame of 10-5pm but because their daily work can be sporadic in nature, when they arrive is completely up to them. The 3 times nobody showed up, we weren't contacted at all. Their customer service line, who just loves to reschedule no matter what you're calling about, said they showed up and nobody was there but that's bullshit because we were physically at home waiting. So after being lied to 3 times, and the offshore reps reading scripts back and forth to us over and over, we complained enough to get a hold of their escalation department in the US. After this point, we made 2 more appointments and techs arrived each time.

The first time the tech came to replace the actual ice maker and said give it 24-48 hours to make ice. Nothing...

The second time the tech came to replace the valve and said wait 24-48 hours. Nothing...

And now we've been scheduled for a 3rd time to what the last tech said is, "the only component left that we can replace for this particular issue: the computer board". That appointment was made 2 weeks ago for tomorrow and guess what... the part wasn't ordered -.- So we have to hope to god that the tech coming tomorrow has a spare computer board for our model fridge. If not, they'll have to order the part and reschedule, which means another day we have to take off work.

We've called over and over to complain, asking that they replace our fridge because we paid for one to have an ice maker but they keep trying to give us the run around.

"Well Sir, if the refrigerator is cooling on the inside and the freezer is working, the refrigerator isn't the problem." So I tell them "according to their techs, if the last and final part that can be replaced for the ice maker won't fix our issue and our refrigerator won't make ice, and that's a core component and feature we paid for when we chose the refrigerator, then that's not true." but they just gave me attitude and said well too bad. And when I pushed them over and over about replacing our fridge, they said even that were to happen... Sears would give us a "valued amount" for our fridge and not even what we paid for, which doesn't make sense.

So now I want to pursue legal action against Sears for selling us an item that doesn't fully work and even their techs aren't able to fix. In fact the last tech that came over said we had bad luck because the Kenmore fridge we bought is technically manufactured by another company and the model number starting with 00 means these have had many issues....

What can I do about this? How would I have to proceed. Do I have grounds to pursue legal action against Sears?

TL;DR: Bought fridge from Sears. Ice maker hasn't worked since delivery (3+ months). Techs have replaced 2 parts with no luck. Sears giving us the run around and won't replace our fridge.

Submitted January 05, 2018 at 01:11AM by geomachina legaladvice

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