Tuesday, June 6, 2017

(US) Low credit scores, loan denials, and finding out my mother has credit in my name. personalfinance

(US) My credit score is somewhat low ~677/664. One of the reasons that comes back on some denial letters for personal loans and consolidation loans is too many open accounts. I downloaded the credit Karma app last night and started through all of the accounts listed. I have found 6 accounts my mother has opened in my name. It was easy to report the accounts through TransUnion as not mine, Equifax is a little more involved and I will be working on that today since I'm off. Depending on which report I am looking at, most of the accounts are closed already. Two of the accounts she opened when I was a pre-teen. She has also done this to my brother who told me about finding out back in March. I was shocked, but the more I found out about it, made sense. Anyway, to keep drama at a minimum, I won't divulge more unless it is pertinent. Brother thinks I am wasting my time and need to turn to Jesus and is telling me I am doing this from a hateful place and some other BS about the hills and valleys in life. I'm like, "NO! This is illegal, wrong, she never asked, and I do love myself which is why I'm standing up." Also, it's affecting my credit, no? Not to mention she's done all she could ever to to literally bail my brother out and keep his nose clean and pay for his kids and even friends, but for me she truly has done the bare minimum as a parent and acted as if she were a martyr. When I've needed financial help, i just get a hope and prayer. She's taken money out of accounts of mine when I was younger to bail him out, she's refinanced her home countless times to pay his lawyer fees etc. The most she's done for me financially is paid my car insurance the first 6 months I was out of the house in 1999 and help me pay for a refrigerator when I bought my house in 2005. I'm currently considering filing bankruptcy and going through all my credit and then I find this. I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing and not being overly emotional. Thanks and again, I apologize for the drama.

EDIT: She paid the accounts in full. So, they at least are not delinquent. There are just 6 accounts that she has opened and at least half of them have just closed on their own. I feel violated either way and it seems like the closed accounts have brought my credit down.

Submitted June 06, 2017 at 06:09PM by lifeformsultd http://ift.tt/2rZKTgq personalfinance

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