Monday, June 19, 2017

Obstacles, obstacles EVERYWHERE! rant

It seems that life is determined to shit on me from every possible angle. There is LITERALLY no corner of this world that I can inhabit for productivity with peace and quite.

2 years ago I moved in with a cousin who lives close to my university for the purpose of escaping the constant disruption from home. My home is constantly filled with people who never seem to remember that I'm busy. My parents seem to have an endless need of "just a minute" interruptions every other minute. My grandmother will respect my need for privacy only as long as her memory allows her to, then it's more interruption. My dogs freak out and unleash an avalanche of desperate barks for any little noise. And of course, when none of this is happening there is always the uninvited and unexpected guest - which of course I am expected to greet and entertain....because, you know, I have nothing else pending.

But here, at my cousins house - it's just as bad, if not worse. Tucked away in a shitty, industrial area of Los Angeles, the people that live in these areas remind me of why society is stratified. Across the street is an industrial train station that seems to think it is okey to blast their horn for up to 30seconds, 3 times, regardless of the time. Seriously, I've been up at 1am and these motherfuckers still honk that shit. I've literally left my computer monitoring decibel levels, and it's absurd how loud it is. Then, of course, you have the fucking obnoxious delivery trucks that, probably inspired by the train, lean on their horns way to fucking long to announce their presence.

If it isn't the train station it's the neighbors dogs, barking non-stop, and the equally animalistic owner does nothing to stop them. If the dog is quite, then it's owners are yelling at each other for some petty quarrel. If neither the dog or it's owner is making noise, then someone a few houses away is lighting off HUGE fire works. These things are fucking powerful, I can feel the shockwave on my desk - i don't know how they managed to get their hands on them.

Last, but certainly not least, if - by some divine miracle, none of these things are interfering with my focus, then it's the temperature. My cousins shitty old house has SHIT insulation. During the day the house is well over 100F, and during the winters I can see my breath in my room - which by the way has no door. During the summer the ants, attempting to stay cool, will be all over my room, and I'm constantly being woken up by them crawling on me. My cousin does nothing to stop this because he's got a nice AC unit in his room, and keeps himself cool while I bake.

And if that's not enough, when none of these fucking factors manage to disrupt me, then the piece of shit internet (TimeWarner Spectrum, btw) will disappear for a few hours.

Lastly, to add insult, the only little bit of food I keep in the refrigerator will be eaten by my cousin. As if I hadn't had enough shit on my plate, he takes away the only bit of food I have and need to go about my day.

Wtf life? I'm melting on at my desk as I write this. Struggling to go about my assignments as I drip in sweat. I can't tolerate this much longer. I'm drastically close to loosing my shit.

Submitted June 20, 2017 at 07:00AM by SFWBoots rant

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