Monday, June 5, 2017

Need advice/tips/tricks for extended stay in a hotel... loseit

Hello Loseit :) First time poster, long time lurker. I need some advice on how to navigate living in a hotel for the next 2-3 weeks.

I recently lost about 15 lbs through CICO (woo!) and have about another 15 to go. I attribute a majority of this success to preparedness and I'm freaking out a little bit that I won't have the ability to meal prep, pack my lunches, etc. I also didn't have the ability to grab my food scale (or regular scale for that matter) before vacating my apartment. On top of that, this entire ordeal is stressing me out in all sorts of different ways and I don't think I'm alone in high stress = eating terrible.

I have seen questions asked like this before on this sub, but usually it's for a few days on a business trip. Sadly for me, my flooded apartment won't be available for 2-3 weeks and I won't have access to a kitchen or refrigerator but the thought of eating out for every meal honestly disgusts me. I'm just looking for advice on how to navigate this, food ideas, meal prep tricks without a kitchen, low calorie foods to eat on the go, etc etc. I do have (limited) access to a refrigerator at work and can also keep some stuff at my boyfriend's, but I won't be at his house everyday.

I figured there were no better people to ask. Thanks for your help :)

Submitted June 05, 2017 at 08:52PM by mysweetmidwest loseit

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