Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How can I optimize and maintain my new kitchen for a beginner? (x-post r/Cooking) AskCulinary

I'm about to move into my first apartment and I was wondering if anyone has a complete guide on how to work in and maintain my kitchen? I've started some research but there isn't really a complete guide that I've found...

Here is a lot of what I've found so far:


  • You need 3-4 knives at most: chefs, paring, bread, and some say a utility knife is a plus but not necessary
  • Always use knives on a cutting board, and ideally you would only use them on a wood cutting board
  • Don't store knives in the sink or drying rack (my assumption would be because they'll hit stuff and dull out)
  • Always hand wash knives
  • It is best to store knives on a magnetic strip, though you must be careful that the blunt end hits the strip first so as to not dull out the blade. Blocks are the next best option. Never store your knives in the drawers
  • Take your knives to be sharpened at least once every other month (unless you are going to sharpen them at home)

Cutting Boards:

  • Wood is best (especially for knives), but mainly use it for veggies. I'll probably want a plastic one for meats
  • Wood cutting boards need to be hand washed only, cleaned with salt and lemon once a month, and oiled regularly


  • Keep eggs in carton
  • Eggs, milk, and deli meats on middle shelf
  • Meats/poultry on bottom shelf (coldest)
  • Drinks and some dairy products (e.g. butter) can go on top shelf (where it'll be the warmest)
  • Veggies and fruits are kept in loosely tied plastic bag or original packaging. Veggies = high humidity, fruits = low
  • Preservative-filled stuff can go on the door
  • Tomatoes, bananas, potatoes, and other things are on the counter. Basic rule of thumb: store it the same way the super market does

Pots & Pans: This is obviously where my info is lacking

  • Hand wash everything--no dishwasher (lids are exception)

I've read that you don't want to use your non-stick pan constantly, and so a good regular frying pan with oil is a must. But how often do I use it? When do I use what pan/pot? Thus far in my cooking life I've always just sort of grabbed a knife and pan that I figured "yeah, this'll do" and used those. How can I be proper about all of this and use things as they should be to increase effectiveness and longevity?

Alright, that's basically what I've got. Is there anything you guys think I missed or that I should know on top of this? Any utensils that need to be taken care of outside "from the dishwasher to the drawer"?

I'd love to know whatever you guys have to offer! I'm really excited about building my own kitchen and learning how to take care of it all

Submitted June 22, 2017 at 03:49AM by bryyo357 AskCulinary

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