Thursday, June 22, 2017

Go-NoGo Light Sensor (Picture and Audio Illustrations Included) minecraftsuggestions

Minecraft: Go-NoGo Light Sensor

This Entire Post is contained within 1 since post on Imgur [here]()

Intended Purpose:

-Easily Indicate, Visually, if the light level will allow mobs to spawn.

Opening Reasoning:

At current, the Clock and Day Light sensor can help a player be generally notified when mobs can spawn due to sunset/night time. However, there isn't currently a means to know if an area is bright enough without:

  1. Spamming Torches Chaotically and Excessively
  2. Covering All Surrounding Surfaces in Non-Spawnable tiles
  3. Learning block counts of light drop off horizontally/vertically, in a creative world
  4. Using the F3 Debug Menu

For those that don't want to play using the F3 Menu, newer/younger players, and those that play on/run a server with /gamerule reducedDebugInfo, the ability to know for certain if a block is capable of spawning a mob isn't possible in Vanilla.

The Go-NoGo Light Sensor made to enable the detection of light levels without using the F3 Debug menu.

How it Functions:

  • The Go-NoGo Light Sensor will display *'black' when inactive (not in active hand or off hand)
  • The Go-NoGo Light Sensor will display 'bright green' when the light level of the block occupied by the player is Greater Than or Equal to 8.
  • The Go-NoGo Light Sensor will display 'bright red' AND play a sound when the light level of the block occupied by the player is Less Than or Equal to 7

What follows is a series of photo's illustrating the current situation and how the Go-NoGo Light Sensor can help while maintaining the aesthetic and nature of vanilla Minecraft. NOTE: The use of the F3 Debug Menu is used exclusively to illustrate the mechanics by noting the actual Light Level. The detailed scenario would be carried out by someone who doesn't use or can't use the F3 Debug Menu.

Here we see the Typical Survival House of a player (Note the judgmental chicken.). For the purpose of this exercise we'll assume the owner's name is Iggy Dinkleberg. Iggy has taken some steps to prevent mobs from spawning around their house, and they're confident the lighting is sufficient.

[Inside, Iggy believes the lighting is sufficient.]((

Iggy waits to night before heading out.

We can see, the lighting IS sufficient where Iggy is standing.

Outside, Iggy returns from their nightly adventure. (Note the judgmental chicken is now wishing they could make Iggy's head explode.)

Before entering, Iggy hears and spots a Zombie inside of their house. "Huh, thought it was light enough."

NOTE: The author of this post has sprinted into a house previously believing it to be proper illuminated, only to be greeted by a creeper.

After Dispatching the Zed, Iggy grabs a torch and their Go-NoGo Light Sensor (NOTE: The Go-NoGo shows a black screen when not in the active hand.)

We can see here, the actual light level is sufficient to prevent mobs from spawning.

Equipping the Go-NoGo Light Sensor, Iggy can see that the light level is bright enough exactly where they're standing.

We can see again using the F3 Debug Menu, that indeed, the light level is above 7.

After Walking across the floor of their home. Iggy hears the Go-NoGo Light Sensor and sees that its display has changed from Green, to Red. (The Sound played is this.

But Iggy knows that mobs can't spawn where a door is, and they're right next to an iron door on their refrigerator! So the 'dark' spot must be near.

Indeed, the light level is at 7 and can spawn mobs...if the door wasn't here.

Atop the fridge, Iggy can see that the Go-NoGo Light Sensor is indicating this spot it too dark!

The F3 Debug menu shows that it's too dark!

Before placing the torch Iggy switches the Go-NoGo Light sensor to their off hand. (NOTE the Display is still clearly visible.)

We can See that atop the fridge, the light level is indeed not high enough to prevent mobs from spawning.

Iggy places a torch down atop the fridge and the Go-NoGo Light sensor's display changes from Red to Green. Iggy is confident that the interior of their home is light enough to prevent mobs spawning.

We can see that, indeed, the light level atop the fridge is greater than 7, and no mobs will spawn here.

Now Concerned about the surrounding area, Iggy starts walking around outside seeing if any areas are dark enough to invite mobs. Where Iggy currently stands is bright enough to prevent mobs from spawning.

We can see that yes, no mobs will spawn on this block as the light level is not low enough for them to do so.

Iggy, moving around, hears the indication and sees the display on the Go-NoGo Light Sensor change from Green to Red. Iggy knows that this block is not lit properly.

We can see that, for sure, the light level is at 7 and can spawn mobs.

The Crafting Recipe: From Top Left -> Right, and moving down one row at a time:

  • C1: Redstone Lamp
  • C2: Note Block
  • C3: Redstone Lamp

  • B1: Redstone Dust

  • B2: Daylight Sensor

  • B3: Iron Ingot

  • A1: Stone Button

  • A2: Eye of Ender

  • A3: Stone Button

The Completed sensor, in Iggy's Inventory.

The 3D Model of the Go-NoGo Light Sensor (Front)

The 3D Model of the Go-NoGo Light Sensor (Reverse)

Submitted June 23, 2017 at 05:45AM by Bowler_Hatter minecraftsuggestions

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