Thursday, June 8, 2017

Escape From Hell - Part Two nosleep

Part One:

I'm sure that this update came sooner than you'd thought. Me and Isaac have been on the move since we got here and have been only stopping to rest/sleep or eat whatever we can get. As long as it's safe to eat we stuffed it in our mouths. It's been a tough couple days as we've needed to navigate a very unfamiliar region. Having to provide for our new bodies has also been difficult considering there was no food that we could grab out of a refrigerator and eat. It's something both of us haven't had much experience with. On top of that we had to make sure that it wasn't toxic. Neither of us wanted to risk poisoning ourselves and dying again.

Well initially the area was unfamiliar to us until I recognized the rock formations as being similar to those I'd seen on a family vacation to South Dakota. After finding a road we made our way to Custer, South Dakota where my family had been during our vacation. I honestly found the South Dakota trip to be my favorite. Anyway once we reached Custer we found to town to be full of life and unaware of the danger that was lurking somewhere in the surrounding land. Surprisingly we hadn't seen any Plagued Ones on our way to Custer ,but since the flesh gate was here Asag had to be as well. Or at least some other demon from Hell. Us walking directly into town attracted a lot of attention as it's unusual to see some teenagers walk into town instead of driving or biking. Initially no one said a word to us and just watched ,but a man eventually walked up to us and asked what we were doing by ourselves.

I told him the truth. That we'd died in an overrun army base. That we'd gone to Hell and escaped. That the town was in danger. He didn't believe any of it and asked us for the truth. I told him that it was the truth ,but that only seemed to anger him. He took us down to the police station where they questioned us about who we were, where we'd come from. I told him the truth as I felt no need to lie about it. No one believes us. While they may not believe us now they will soon. Who knows how long the town will continue to stand. They ran tests on us to make sure we are healthy. They also found no one that could be linked to us biologically and have no explanation for it ,but we do. They can't find any record of us and don't know why ,but we do. The Police captain walked into the room and said:

"There is no record of a teenage girl that matches your age and appearance. What should I think about this?"

I know I know. You're probably confused and so am I. I thought that my new body would've been similar to my old one ,but apparently that's not the case. If someone could explain this a little more please comment below. Anyway back to the story.

I looked up at him and replied "I've already told you!"

He slammed his fist down onto the table causing me to jump back in response.

"Cut it with the bullshit and tell me the truth!"

I shouted back "I have! What good would it do me to lie!?"

He stared back at me sternly. Then leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"I don't know how to help you if you won't tell me the truth."

"Help me? You've been acting like I've done something wrong for the past hour!"

"Fine. What proof of these uhhh... "flesh gates" do you have?"

"I can't prove anything to you ,but going back to it wouldn't be safe. Several cities have already fallen. This one will too...eventually. There's not much you'll be able to do to stop it. If the military can't stop it then you surely can't. In my past life I watched an army base get overrun. You can't stop him!"

That caught his attention. "Who?"

I grinned and said "Asag, demon of disease of plague. He's raising an army of infected and undead for Hell. Our world is doomed. I mean unless the reincarnation of Ninurta with Sharur appears. He was the only deity able to defeat Asag. Using Sharur a talking mace he defeated Asag. So far I haven't seen him so we're doomed."

"You're insane!"

"No. I'm just aware of what's going on. I'm not giving up on at least trying to win. I'm just stating the facts. Like a messenger."

" I don't have time for this. Tomorrow the questioning continues. You and your friend are free to wander around. Just don't cause trouble and leave town."

He then left the room.

I've used a majority of the remaining daylight to write this down.

The sun is beginning to set as I write this. It won't be too long till the town falls. I hate having to be on the run constantly. The only way I'll be to talk to Asag again is during the day and I doubt I'd survive the night if Asag were to attack tonight. I could risk running ,but I'm sure that I won't be able to survive on my own. I need to get some sort of transportation out of town.

All Hell is about to break lose even more than it already has. Literal Hell is about to break lose. Also where is God? Shouldn't He be pissed that Hell is basically conquering Earth. I haven't seen any sign of Him. Have you?

The news is my Universe is starting to report on it stating that "Several cities have stopped communicating with the Government." Well no shit they'd stop talking because they're dead. Why the Government won't just let media say that Hell has invaded is beyond me. I swear if I have to track down a reporter and say it on live TV I will. Actually no. I'm too shy to do such a thing. I guess just writing this is enough for now.

I'm tired. I'll update again in a few days.

Thomas out.

Submitted June 09, 2017 at 09:10AM by P42AB nosleep

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