Thursday, November 5, 2015

When She Sleeps creepypasta

"Be back by two!" My mom shouted as I walked out the door, she thinks I have a curfew, even though I'm 21. She tells me the same thing every time I leave the house, lock the door and be back by two, but never wakes up to check and make sure I'm actually home. I know it's not very hard to remember, but occasionally I forget to lock the door. That tends to come in handy when I leave my keys somewhere on accident and need to get home. And then the ritual of actually falling asleep, having to get myself cozy and don't even get me started on this woman's snoring, oh my god, I hate when she snores, but it's certainly better than coming home to nothing. Not to sound like a psychopath or scare anyone, but have you ever been afraid one day you'd come home late and no one would be there? As if they got kidnapped or something? Crazy, but I digress, so I'm out with some friends, having a great time driving around, but I forgot my phone charger at home, not too late to come back and get it, it's only 12:30. So we head back to the house so I can grab that, and when I walk into my room, its actually quite cold compared to the rest of the house. I realized I left my window open so I walked over closed it, and proceeded to jump back into the car, and at just that moment I realized I forgot to lock the door, but as lazy as I am I decided screw it, I'll be home before long. 3:15 rolls by and everyone is tired, so we all got dropped off and we're going to go to bed, I walked up to my door, and it was locked. I thought hmm, that's really strange, but I don't have my keys, so I'm gonna have to wake her up and explain myself... So I walk around the house to her window, and proceed to knock, but without a response. I gave it a second, and knocked again, but a little louder this time in hopes to get her up. Still no response, so I put my ear up to the window, because when I say this woman snores, she REALLY snores, you could hear it at the neighbors, but to my dismay, no snoring. I figure she's in the bathroom, luckily you can see the bathroom from the front window, so if be able to see a light around the door if she was in there. So I walked back around the house a bit nervous to see if I could catch a glimpse of a bathroom light, but unfortunately, no light, however something on the refrigerator caught my eye. Now this is a household that's never even heard of a magnet, so I couldn't imagine what it was. I tried to use the flashlight app on my phone to get a better look, but there was just too much glare off the window. Now since us two are the only ones who live in this house, and I can't seem to find her, I gave her phone a call, she always has it charge next to her on the nightstand when she goes to bed. So I walked back around to her window, and made the call, and I heard her ringtone coming from the vacant room. Startled now, because she doesn't go anywhere without her phone, I start to panic even more. I go back over to my room, and try the window to see if I locked it, but of corse I can remember to do that, just not the front door, Or so I thought. Since I figured I'm in enough trouble for being out anyways, I decided to take a nearby rock to my window, and smash it so I could get in. I climbed up through the broken glass and tumbled in, half expected her to be there ready to kick my ass, but she wasn't. Now I am absolutely terrified, not of the dark, but of being alone, as I open my door and walk down the hall towards her room, I reach her door and open in up to what I feared, an empty room. The bed was a mess, and the glass of water she always had on her nightstand had been knocked over and broken. I ran over and grabbed her phone and hit the home button to see two missed calls, one from me and one from an unknown number, right before I had come home to grab my phone charger. I started frantically searching every feasible spot in the house I might come across her, but she was nowhere to be found. At that moment it dawned on me, the thing on the fridge, maybe it was a note from her, so I ran back to the kitchen and turned on the light, but a state of shock took me over, horrified, at what I had found. The note read "there's a reason we keep our doors locked, and don't worry, I took care of the snoring for you". Written in her blood.

Submitted November 04, 2015 at 07:00AM by Overburdened98x creepypasta

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