Thursday, November 5, 2015

What seemingly insignificant choice had a significant impact on your day/life? AskReddit

A co-worker of mine came into work today with a pretty crazy story. On his was out of his apartment he stopped at the door and decided to grab a coke from his refrigerator. On his commute to work he was on the highway and the car in front of him T-boned a driver trying to cross 3 lanes of traffic to get to the northbound side. He said that it was unavoidable by the driver in front of him and had he not stopped to get his soda he probably would have been the one involved in it. We just saw on the news that it was fatal and he's a little shaken up about it. Just wondering how many others had close calls like that or had a small choice impact their life in a huge way.

Submitted November 05, 2015 at 10:46PM by TuckyNhompson AskReddit

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