Thursday, November 5, 2015

What do I bring to potluck now? loseit

So, this year my work is having its Thanksgiving potluck. This is a great time for all my employees to get together and shove crap in their faces while they discuss how much they loathe one another and how I schedule like a psychotic monkey on meth.

In the past years I've brought stuff like cookies, pie, etc. Everyone likes pie right? Well, now, because I started losing weight, everyone on my staff has started eating better and losing weight. I can't really bring cookies and pie when no one will eat them. I could make something but I also travel in via the metro and that takes about 90 minutes so something hot wouldn't really work and something in a big caserole dish is going to be difficult to lug around.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions/recipes that would go over well. I have an oven, microwave, stove top, 10 cup food processor, toaster oven, a couple of pots and pans but nothing intricate or fancy, a refrigerator, a sink, some silverwear, a spatula (both kinds because I think ahead), a strainer, some measuring cups where the actual measurements have been worn off because I was dumb and bought the kind that didn't have the sizes etched in, some measuring spoons with the same problems as the cups, a couple of knives, etc.

Submitted November 05, 2015 at 06:14PM by cheesepusher loseit

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