Monday, November 9, 2015

We should all be here shortscarystories

I woke up in the brightly lit room, an almost golden hue filled the space.

I lay in a soft silk sheet bed, a large screen television was playing on a cherry wood tv stand, a chestnut dining room table with matching satin cushioned chairs complimented the room.

I rose and went to the porcelain white refrigerator, finding a fully stocked succulent supply of food. I began to gorge myself, having not eaten in what seemed like ages and on such delicious vittles!

I noticed it was dark outside, now fully realizing I was essentially inside of a glass room. Sure, the lighting was warm and amber toned, but the outside was pitch black.

As I munched on corned beef hash and asparagus drizzled in hollandaise from a silver platter, I noticed sudden movement from outside. Startled, I moved closer to the glass.

As my vision focused on the dim lighting outside and I looked past my own reflection, I dropped my platter in shock.

Outside were packed throngs of shriveled and shrunken people, people who I knew or have known in my life, family and friends.

They began to bang and thrash against the glass, hunger and rage marred their faces, disbelief that I was in this "heaven" while they were in "hell".

Hell? I finally realized; this was no heaven that I found myself in. The homeless people who perished in the vacant buildings fire, my raggedy family among them.

I had wanted to live in a nice house, sleep in a real bed, and eat good food for a change; but now I had to live in sickly disgusting luxury and agony.

My loved ones watch me uncontrollably eat, their ire growing with every bite and sip.

As their hatred for me grew, as did my gluttonous belly, it compared nothing to the self loathing I now felt for myself for all eternity.

Submitted November 10, 2015 at 01:46AM by dastard82 shortscarystories

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