Monday, November 9, 2015

Paranoid about fumes breathed in from bag of expired chicken AskDocs

So in our apartment we had a bad smell coming from somewhere and couldn't figure it out... I was going through the refrigerator and found some old chicken. I opened the bag and took a whiff of it and it was the worst smell I have ever smelled in my life. I have smelled rotting animals, all kinds of vomit and feces, and this smell was the worst. It felt like I was breathing in poison. My friend who had the balls to smell the bag described it the exact same way.

I am all paranoid now because I took such a concentrated whiff of it. Like as soon as the inside of that bag was exposed to air I breathed it in. I was looking it up on google to see if I could potentially come down with some sort of sickness from breathing that in and I saw raw meats could carry something called botulism... And if I breathed that in I could potentially get it? Apparently it is life threatening and really bad. Sometimes I freak myself out by over thinking things like this.. Could I possibly get sick from inhaling toxic chicken fumes or even the botulism?? Let me know if I should go to the hospital

Submitted November 10, 2015 at 09:39AM by ASAP_COCKO AskDocs

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