Monday, November 2, 2015

Code Enforcement Law- I have a working freezer on my back porch and code enforcement says remove it or be fined. Out of principle, I want to fight it. Also, it's crazy heavy and won't fit in my kitchen. legaladvice

I am trying to sell a working freezer. I have it on my back porch, plugged in, fully functional. The only code enforcement I can find that mentions refrigerators or freezers is this one: Sec. 74-164. - Abandoned iceboxes, refrigerators, vehicles, similar devices. It shall be a nuisance per se and shall be unlawful for any person to have in that person's possession or under that person's control upon any premises owned or occupied by that person, which premises are frequented by or accessible to children for playing or other purposes, the following items:

(1) Any icebox, refrigerator or similar device, abandoned or not being put to the use for which it was intended, which is equipped with any lock or locking device by which the door on such icebox, refrigerator or similar device, when closed, cannot be opened from the inside, or which impedes or makes more difficult the opening of the door from the inside thereof; or (2) Any motor vehicle, abandoned or not being put to the use for which it was intended, which is equipped with any lock or locking device by which the windows or doors on the vehicle, when closed, cannot be opened from the inside, or which impedes or makes more difficult the opening of the door from the inside thereof.

As I said, it's a working freezer that is for sell. Nothing more, nothing less. It's on my back porch, you can't even see it unless you're my neighbor and you're gardening. I live in Atlanta GA.

Submitted November 03, 2015 at 03:03AM by SketchyFella_ legaladvice

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