Saturday, November 7, 2015

[A4A] Metamorphosis of the Vampire dirtypenpals

Ethan lifted his mouth from the neck of the girl whose name he’d now forgotten, blood dripping from his fangs and lips onto his chin. He stood up and stretched his lean, athletic frame, the strain against his tendons and muscles bringing satisfaction. He tilted his head back, letting the last remnants of the viscous liquid slide down his throat. He closed his eyes, feeling the effects as his body began to metabolize her life force. He shivered and looked down at her form. She was naked, startlingly gorgeous, and completely unconscious. Not a half-hour earlier they’d been locked together, fiercely making love, and sleep had come quickly for the girl. Ethan knew he needed to wait until she was completely asleep before feasting, and the swiftness of her slumber was convenient.

He blinked, taking in her beauty for a final time in the the muted lights from the nightlife district just off of the campus. The incision marks on the right side of her neck were small and already coagulated. There was only a spot of blood on her pillow. He pulled her sheet and quilt over her body, tucking her in. Although he’d used her for sex and ravenously fed on her and would soon steal from her, he wasn’t cruel—he didn’t want her to be cold when she eventually awoke.

He rinsed his face in the bathroom sink and walked naked from her bedroom. Hers was a spacious apartment in one of the new complexes that had sprung up to accommodate the wealthier students eager to flaunt their money in the Midwestern college town. He felt like a slight chill in the air, his body hair now largely receded, and his soft skin broke out in gooseflesh. He rubbed his chin, feeling smoothness where stubble had been just minutes ago. He opened the refrigerator and looked around. He withdrew a box of Chinese takeaway and opened it, sniffing it before feeding himself chunks of sauce-slathered deep-fried chicken with his fingers. The blood had satisfied an essential bodily craving, but it didn’t sate the more basic feelings of hunger. He helped himself to a bottle of mineral water.

As he returned to the bedroom, he felt his gait shifting as his hips widened, his member retracted, his height shrank slightly, and his rear swelled. By the time he’d reached the bedroom, he felt the unmistakable weight of blooming breasts. He stopped before the bedroom window, observing the reflection of a ghostly yet distinctly feminine form. He turned to the side to see his reappearing curves in profile. He took another gulp of the water and set it down on the desk. Wavy locks of brunette hair now touched his shoulders, and he instinctively brushed a strand behind his left ear. He turned around and looked at the unconscious college student in her bed. If she were awake, she would have observed that the handsome and athletic guy she’d brought home was now a beautiful and naked girl who could pass as his twin sister. “Surprise,” he said, as if she could hear.

He—now she, more appropriately—belonged to a differentiated line of vampires whose physical sex could shift involuntarily based on the sex of the human from whom they fed. It was in the way their bodies metabolized the DNA in their victims’ white blood cells, and rather than being a hindrance, it seemed to ensure their safety and success. Like all vampires in her familial line, she had been born female, but it was impossible to determine whether she was biologically female and able to become male, or biologically male and merely born female as a consequence of subsisting on feminine blood while in utero. The debate was, she thought, ultimately irrelevant; she’d experienced a changing of sex for as long as she could remember, and whether at her core she was more Thana (her given birth name) or more Ethan (her given alternative name) was a distinction without much difference. She responded to both names and was comfortable in both forms, having fluctuated between the appearance of an attractive twenty-two-year-old guy and an attractive twenty-two-year-old girl for nearly a hundred years now. Her time as both indelibly contributed to her personality. She was able to blend in with the human college students no matter which gender form was manifested.

Thana walked over to the closet and gasped happily as she opened the door. She’d targeted the girl based on the fact that their sizes would be very close once she’d fed and morphed into her female form. Because she was having a great deal of fun in male form, she had gone longer than usual in that form and had resisted the urge to feed. But as she ran her fingers across the array of clothes and contemplated her choices, she was thrilled to be back in female form. She helped herself to the essentials as well as a dark navy top with embroidered lace sleeves, a short skirt, a small purse, and a pair of heels that were impossible to resist. She readied herself, making herself look presentable, as if she’d merely gotten a late start at joining everyone in the weekend bar scene. It would be a few weeks before she would need to feed again, and she intended to have a little fun before selecting a male close in size to her masculine form.

She emptied the pockets of the jeans she’d worn to the apartment and gathered her belongings, fully intending to drop the masculine clothes in a dumpster as she left the building. She stuffed her wallet, mobile, and her keys in the purse. She walked over to the unconscious girl and leaned forward, planting a tender kiss on her cheek.

“Thanks for everything,” Thana whispered.

Thanks for reading. My ideal approach to this prompt would be a long-term, patchwork-style story with someone interested in alternating both male and female human characters opposite Thana/Ethan (your male character and Thana, your female character and Ethan). I’m much more interested in developing the character than emphasizing vampiric folklore, which, as you can see already, I’ve taken great liberties with for my purposes and pleasures. I enjoy detailed imagery and character development. It makes no difference to me whether you—the writer—are actually male or female, as long as you're 18+ and interested in the scenario.

Submitted November 08, 2015 at 06:58AM by vdude2 dirtypenpals

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