Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thieves in the Night-Fantastic Mr.Fox Edition RimWorld

This happened to a recent colony of mine that prospered until a toxic fallout/volcanic winter with a solar flare AND cold snap during much of the volcanic winter. It was a desert map. I was fortunate, very fortunate to have a nice pocket of defensible land and a good chunk of arable land to boot.

Anyways, Bigot, Boggart, and Bane, my 3 original colonist's(renamed to tell this story and describe their overall. Temperament), all had green thumbs. I built the colony to be centered around farming and thus got the mod that allowed reclaiming of sand into arable soil then to plow such land. Eventually two more helping hands joined the colony and I had cornfields as far as the the eye can see... To the mountains. My cold stores grew so large that much of my power consumption went to my vast freezers that stored food, meat, and the bodies of my enemies for my burgeoning pack of wild wolves.

One night, while everyone was sleeping, I got a raid event. A SAPPER raid event of only 4 raiders. I didn't think much of it, I had a nice kill box setup and defensive turrets that would protect the fields so I let Bigot ,Boggart and Bane and the helping hands sleep.

I began to watch the sappers with interest as they defied pathing logic, in my opinion, and went to the other side of my protected valley. They then dug and dug and dug... Until they reached one of my outer food storesand went to beat on the granite door. At this point I woke up two of my helping hands. No reason to wake up Bigot, Boggart, and Bane yet.They took positions behind a security station I set up with a working turret and waited.

The raiders got through the freezer door and we're now in the refrigerator filled with expensive food delights and some hardcore drugs. I waited for them to break through the outer door. What I failed to realize was that I had luciferium stored there from a drop pod I received a while back. Bigot, Boggart, and Bane were on a strict alcohol and cigarillos only drug policy and frequently ate and binged on lavish meals. The HelpingHands only have access to cheap beers and capers(simple meals. 1 fine meal each per 5 day week).

The would be sappers stopped in their tracks, took the stack of over 60 luciferium, a stack of cigarillos, and all the whisky that was recently Brewed. Then they left With the outer freezer also on fire. By the time Bigot Boggart and Bane woke up, they realized they just lost a lot of valuable trade stock and their coveted cigarillos. The Helping Hands were punished for their failures by being locked in the room of dead raiders with naught by near feral wolves for company for 2 days.

Of course, only one season later, the Toxic Fallout would begin and with it, the beginning of the end of Bigot, Boggart, and Bane...

Submitted September 08, 2016 at 10:03PM by shiftshapercat RimWorld

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